Updated RNPC Guide
"Many thanks to Dem who provided most of the info, see his site here "
Book of Wind"
1. Introduction
A. Stock Characters
B. Cite de Reblodoeux Characters
D. Port of Coimbra Characters
E. Ustiur Base Camp Characters
F. Port of Gigante (Port of Bahia) Character
G. Dr. Torche's Mansion Characters
H. Los Toldos Characters
I. Errac (Zeia) Characters
J. Tiera de Amor Character
K. Katovic Snowfield Character
L. El Tejado Verde Character
M. Cash Shop Characters
2. Dem's Blog Glossary and other RNPC Guide found in the forum
3. Stance and Personal Skill Glossary
4. Frequently Ask Question
5. Tips/Recomendation
6. Version Updates
7. Credits
1. Introduction
Hello I’m KUSABIREIKA. I’ve noticed that the old thread on Complete RNPC Data nneeds some updates so I have gathered more info. I have added on to Lionheartz original guide and give full credits to Dem's blog and gilliam's guide for the info needed to compile this complete Character Data Complete as at Version 3 4. I hope this guide will help newcomers and experienced players. Suggestions and help are greatly appreciated meow meow ^ ^V A. Stock Characters
Fighter Total Stat Points: 300
Str: 60
Agi: 60
Con: 60
Dex: 60
Int: 30
Cha: 30
Starting Level: 1
Location: Stock Character
Armor: Metal, Leather (Fighter)
Personal Skill: Provoke
None: Bareknuckle
Sword/Blunt (+Shield): Back Guard
Sword/Blunt (+Shield): High Guard
Sword "Expert" : Equites
Sword + Sword : Hack and Slash
Sword + Pistol : Heaven or Hell
Blunt + Shield"Veteran" : The Defender
Rapier : Epee Garde, Sabre Garde
Sabre: Middle Guard
Sabre "Veteran": Low Guard
Rapier + Pistol "Veteran": Advance Garde
Great Sword : Plow Guard, Roof Guard
Great Sword "Veteran" : Sidewinder
Great Sword "Expert" : Hanging Guard
Dagger : Escrima
Pistol: Freestyle Shot
Pistol + Pistol: Double-Gun Shot
Polearm : Blandir Cruz
Polearm "Veteran" : Mighty Cruz
Javelin + (Shield) : Stave Guard
How to get Fighter :
Elementalist Total Stat Points: 300
Str: 30
Agi: 30
Con: 40
Dex: 50
Int: 80
Cha: 70
Starting Level: 1
Location: Stock Character
Armor: Robe
Personal Skill: Elemental Penetration
Stances:(Fire Bracelet/LOE Bracelet): Possession Fire
Fire Bracelet + Fire/Skullic Bracelet: Evocation Fire
Fire Bracelet + Fire/Skullic Bracelet "Veteran": Domination Fire
(Ice Bracelet/LOE Bracelet): Possession Ice
Ice Bracelet + Fire/Skullic Bracelet: Evocation Ice
Ice Bracelet + Fire/Skullic Bracelet "Veteran": Domination Ice
(Lightning Bracelet/LOE Bracelet): Possession Lightning
Lightning Bracelet + Lightning/Skullic Bracelet: Evocation Lightning
Lightning Bracelet + Lightning/Skullic Bracelet "Veteran": Domination Lightning
How to get Elementalist
MusketeerTotal Stat Points: 300
Str: 50
Agi: 60
Con: 50
Dex: 80
Int: 30
Cha: 30
Starting Level: 1
Location: Stock Character
Armor: Coat (Musketeer)
Personal Skill: Concetration
None : Bareknuckle
Pistol: Aiming Shot, Freestyle Shot
Pistol "Veteran": Sight Shot
Pistol + Pistol: Double-Gun Shot
Pistol + Pistol "Veteran": Outrage Shot
Rifle/Bayonet: Standing Shot, Kneeling Shot
Rifle/Bayonet "Expert": Flintlock
Bayonet "Veteran": Encounter Shot
How to get Musketeer :
Scout Total Stat Points: 300
Str: 30
Agi: 70
Con: 50
Dex: 70
Int: 50
Cha: 30
Starting Level: 1
Location: Stock Character
Armor: Leather (Scout)
Personal Skill: Healing
Stances:None : First Aid, Fortitudo, Install Trap
None "Veteran" : Tactical Assistance
Dagger : Escrima (Scout)
Dagger "Expert" : Arnis
Dagger + Dagger : Dobalada Corte (Scout)
NOTE: Escrima and Dobalada Corte, Scouts themselves have a nerfed version of them, which is one hit and two hit, but other characters have 3 hits for Escrima and probably 4 for Dobalada Corte. i hope this help meow
How to get Scout :
Wizard Total Stat Points: 300
Str: 30
Agi: 50
Con: 40
Dex: 40
Int: 70
Cha: 70
Starting Level: 1
Location: Stock Character
Armor: Coat (Wizard)
Personal Skill: Energy Shield
Stances: (Rod/Staff/Special Rod): Psychokinesis
Rod/Special Rod: ESP
Rod "Veteran": Incantation
Staff/Special Rod: Illusionist
Staff "Veteran": Anathema
Rod/Staff/Special Rod: Levitation
Rod/Staff/Special Rod "Expert": Power of Darkness
How to get Warlock "Elementalist" :How to get Wizard:B. Cite de Reboldoeux
Reboldoeux SoldierTotal Stat Points: 270
Str: 60
Agi: 50
Con: 60
Dex: 40
Int: 30
Cha: 30
Starting Level: 1
Location: Cite de Reboldoeux
Armor: Leather Armor(Fighter), Metal Armor
Personal Skill: None
Stances:None - Bareknuckle
Polearm - Blandir Cruz, Penetrar Cruz
Polearm "Veteran" - Mighty Cruz
Sword "Expert" - Equites
Sword + Shield - Back Guard, High Guard
Blunt Weapon + Shield "Veteran" - The Defender
How to get Reboldoeux Soldier:
Level requirement - 1
1) Talk to the Reboldoeux Soldier standing to the right of Sir Llyndon. You will have to defeat 5 Reboldoeux Soldiers.
2) Return to the soldier to receive your Reboldoeux Soldier Card.

RamiroTotal Stat Points: 280
Str: 50
Agi: 80
Con: 40
Dex: 50
Int: 30
Cha: 30
Starting Level: 16
Location: Queen's Gate
Armor: Leather Armor(Fighter)
Personal Skill: Sprint
Stances:None: Bareknuckle
Main-Gauche: Back Guard, Middle Guard
Main-Gauche "Veteran": Low Guard
Sword: Plow Guard, Roof Guard
Sword "Veteran": Sidewinder
Sword "Expert": Hanging Guard
How to get him:Level requirement - 11) Talk to Ramiro at Queen's Gate. He will ask you to help defend a girl for 5 minutes. Mobs will come from 3 directions. Survive for 5 minutes to complete the mission.
[Rewards: 3x Lvl 1 (360 Exp) Cards]
Level requirement - 82) Talk to Ramiro. .This time, you will have to defeat him within 4 minutes.
3) Return to Ramiro to receive your Ramiro NPC Card.

Total Stat Points: 270
Str: 50
Agi: 70
Con: 50
Dex: 60
Int: 40
Cha: 30
Starting Level: 16
Location: Reboldoeux Stone Pit
Armor: Leather Armor(Scout)
Personal Skill: Remove Construction
Stances: No Weapon: Install Trap, Construction
Hammer: Construction
Pole Arm: Penatrar Cruz
How to get him:Level requirement - 41) Talk to Jack at Reboldoeux Stone Pit. You will be teleported and have to defeat the Bears at the end of the map.
[Rewards: 3x Lvl 1 (640 Exp) Cards]
2) Talk to Jack again. This time, he asks you to hunt 10
Leaping Crocs(lvl 6) at Ferruccio Junction.
3) Return to Jack to receive you Jack NPC Card

DiegoTotal Stat Points: 270
Str: 60
Agi: 50
Con: 50
Dex: 70
Int: 40
Cha: 30
Starting Level: 24
Location: Cite de Reboldoeux
Armor: Leather Armor(Scout)
Personal Skill: Remove Construction
Stances: None: Install Trap, Structure Build "aka Defensive Construction"
Hammer: Structure Build "aka Defensive Construction"
Sword: Back Guard
2 Sword: Hack and Slash
How to get him:Level requirement - 171) Talk to Diego. He will ask you to put up 2 posters, 1 each at the bulletin boards in Reboldoeux and Coimbra. Return to him when done.
[Rewards: 3x Lvl 1 (4,000 Exp) Cards]
Level requirement - 20
2) Talk to the Old Man in Coimbra. He will ask you to fight Diego (lvl 25). Return to the Old Man once you have defeated Diego.
[Rewards: Diego's Sword (lvl 24) & 3x Lvl 20 (7,840 Exp) Cards]
Level requirement - 253) Talk to Diego again. He will ask you to look for Jack at Reboldoeux Stone Pit to fix his tool. Once done, go back to Diego.
[Rewards: 3x(7,840 Exp) Cards]
4) Next, Diego will ask you to hunt 20
Jumeau plaque Rouge (lvl 22), 20
Jumeau plaque Noir (lvl 23) & 25
Phobitan Imps (lvl 23) at Tetra Hills.
[Rewards: 3x Lvl 20 (7,840 Exp) Cards]
Level requirement - 285) This time, Diego will ask you to collect 15 Persistent Rubber and 15 Steel Iron. Travel to Tetra Great Ruins to hunt
Phobitan Rouges (lvl 26).
[Rewards: 3x Lvl 20 (9,000 Exp) Cards, 1xHealing Ampule]
6) Now, Diego will ask you to get a licence from Domingo in Reboldoeux and Nunez in Coimbra. Speak to Domingo to get Reboldoeux's Licence. Next, Speak to Nunez in Coimbra. He will ask you to hunt 5 Jumeau plaque Eton (lvl 24) at Tetra Great Ruins. Return to Nunez to receive Coimbra's Licence.
7) Return to Diego to receive your Diego NPC Card & 3x Lvl 20 (9,000 Exp) Cards.
Idge ImbruliaTotal Stat Points: 300
Str: 60
Agi: 70
Con: 50
Dex: 60
Int: 30
Cha: 30
Starting Level: 40
Location: Cite de Reboldoeux
Armor: Leather Armor(Fighter), Metal Armor
Personal Skill: Armor Crafting
Stances: None: Bareknuckle
Greatsword: Plow Guard, Roof Guard, Tail Guard
Greatsword "Veteran": Sidewinder
Greatsword "Expert": Hanging Guard
Polearm: Blandir Cruz, Penetrar Cruz
Polearm "Veteran": Mighty Cruz
How to get her: Level requirement - 41) Talk to Idge. She will ask you to find an Old Armor. Travel to Ferruccio Junction and search for the Old Armor, which is under a Rock.
[Rewards: 3x (1,000 Exp) Cards]
Level requirement - 17 2) Talk to Idge again. This time, you have to collect 15 Fanatic's Neck Ornaments, 20 Fanatic's Anchors and 15 Fanatic's Face Ornaments first, followed by 15 Fanatic's Leg-guards, 20 Fanatic's Armors and 20 Fanatic's Debris. Travel to Al Quelt Moreza - Arcade and hunt
Fanatic (lvl 15).
[Rewards: Fanatic Armor & 3x (4,840 Exp) Cards]
(The following parts gets a bit confusing so i'll just keep them short and sweet)
Level requirement - 30 3) Talk to Idge, then talk to Rebolduex Investigation Soldier. Report back to Idge, and then travel to City of Auch and speak to Gutrude (F9). You will be teleported to Reboldoeux. Talk to Idge, then check the area behind her and you'll find some footprints. Next, speak to Claude and you'll start a battle with him. Defeat him, then search the building behind Claude and you'll find a key. Talk to the girl to be teleported back.
4) Return to the Reboldoeux Investigation Soldier, then travel to Tetra Grand Corridoor to search for a Big Stone. Click the stone and you'll be teleported to fight the Quintuplet Thiefs. (Gutrude will ***ist you in this battle). Defeat the Thieves and a crate will appear. Smash the crate to get Idge's Design Figure. Bring it to Idge.
[Rewards: 3x Lvl 30 (10,200 Exp) Cards]
Level requirement - 35 5) Idge asks you for 60 Silver Ingots. Collect 20 Gargoyle's Stones from
Stone Gargoyles (lvl 26) at Tetra Grand Corridoor, 20 Harpoon Pieces from
Nevares at Tetra Golden Road or Tetra Catacombs, and 20 Octopus's Ores from
Crate-Octopus (lvl 35) at Jezebel Glen or Porto Bello.
6) Once done, look for a
Signal Fire either in Jezebel Glen (D6 or I7) or Tetra Grand Corridoor. Click on it and you'll receive 60 Silver Ingots. Return to Idge.
[Rewards: Idge's Boots (lvl 44), Idge's Gantelets (lvl 44), Idge's Helm (lvl 44), and 3x Lvl 30 (16,000 Exp) Cards]
Level requirement - 38 7) Talk to Idge, then talk to Eusibio. Collect 20 Liquid Talts from
Mermans (lvl 37) in Porto Bello. Then inspect a stone at Jezebel Glen. You will be teleported to fight the
Grim Reaper. Defeat the Grim Reaper to receive a Chain.
8) Return to Idge to receive your Idge NPC Card, Idge's Breastplate & 3x Lvl 40 (17,600 Exp) Cards.

Brunie EtienneTotal Stat Points: 300
Str: 40
Agi: 90
Con: 40
Dex: 70
Int: 30
Cha: 30
Starting Level: 40
Location: Cite de Reboldoeux
Armor: Coat(Musketeer)
Personal Skill: None
None: Bareknuckle
Pistol: Aiming Shot, Freestyle Shot
Pistol "Veteran": Sight Shot
Dual Pistol: Double Gun Shot
Dual Pistol "Veteran": Outrage Shot
How to get her:
Level requirement - 321) Talk to Brunie. She will ask you to get 8 Hard Chalcedony to make a key. Travel to Tetra Catacombs and search for barrels (those that spawns lots of monsters when u break it). Return to Brunie when finished.
[Rewards: 3x Lvl 30 (14,400 Exp) Cards]
Level requirement - 362) Talk to Brunie again. She will go inside the door near the entrance of Tetra Golden Road You will be teleported to a mission map. You will need to proceed thru the map and defeat the boss (lvl 40) at the end within 30 minutes.
3) Return to Brunie to receive your Brunie NPC Card.
Panfilo de NarvaezTotal Stat Points: 300
Str: 60
Agi: 50
Con: 60
Dex: 40
Int: 60
Cha: 30
Starting Level: 40
Location: Cite de Reboldoeux
Armor: Leather Armor(Fighter)
Personal Skill: None
None: Bareknuckle
Sword: Back Guard
Sabre : Middle Guard
Sabre "Veteran": Low Guard
Sabre/Sword + Fire Bracelet : Flaming Guard
Sword + Sword: Hack and Slash
How to get him:Level requirement - 50*Note: You have to complete Andre Janzur's "Pure White Food" quest first*1) Talk to Panfilo. He will ask you to help defend his Cows against Wolves. You will be teleported to a map to defend the Cows from Wolves coming in 3 directions for 5 minutes. (Note: the Cows do attack as well)
2) Return to Panfilo to receive your Panfilo NPC Card.

Najib SharifTotal Stat Points: 310
Str: 60
Agi: 70
Con: 50
Dex: 70
Int: 30
Cha: 30
Starting Level: 44
Location: Cite de Reboldoeux
Armor: Leather Armor(Fighter)
Personal Skill: None
Stances: None: Bareknuckle
Sabre : Middle Guard
Sabre "Veteran": Low Guard
Sabre + Saber: Twin Blades
Rifle/Bayonet : Aggressive Shot Inroad Shot
Rifle/Bayonet "Expert" : Flintlock
Taken From giliam Guide:Quest: What a Foreign Merchant WantsNPC + Location: Najib Sharif, Cite de Reboldoeux
Reward: 3 EXP cards and skill book of Freestyle Shooting
Difficulty: easy1. Talk to Najib Sharif
2. Kill Vedanobahs at Al Quelt Moreza to collect 15 Vedanium Sulfur.
3. Return to Najib Sharif to complete the quest
Level 36Quest: Najib Sharif's HobbyNPC + Location: Najib Sharif, Cite de Reboldoeux
Reward: EXP Cards
Difficulty:easy 1. Speak to Najib Sharif. Travel to the Tetra Golden Road
2. Kill Rufus Reapers to collect 10 Blazing Rubies.
3. Return to Najib Sharif to complete the quest.
Level 41Quest: Barkir RifleNPC + Location: Najib Sharif, Cite de Reboldoeux
Reward: EXP Card & Barkir Rifle
Difficulty:easy1. Talk to Najib Sharif
2. Kill MErmands at Porto Bello to collect 40 Hematite's (rare drop)
3. Return to Najib Sharif to complete the quest
Quest: Swamp Monkey PigmentNPC + Location: Najib Sharif, Cite de Reboldoeux
Reward: EXP Card
Difficulty:1. Talk to Sharif
2. Travel to Thueringenwald
3. Kill Gorilla's to get the following quest items
20x Geranium Pigments from Geranium Dendilion Gorilla
20x Hydangea Pigments from Hydeangea Dendilion Gorilla
20x Chrysanthemum Pigments from Chrysanthemum
4. Click the stone at F7
5. You will be teleported to an instance.
6. Kill the Sunflower Dendilion Gorilla
7. Talk to Sharif to complete the quest
LVL 60Quest: Antique TradeNPC + Location: Najib Sharif, Cite de Reboldoeux
Reward: EXP Card & Lvl 60 Enhancement Chip
Difficulty:easy1. Talk to Sharif
2. Talk to Vega
3. Talk to the man at G11 at Port of Coimbra
4. Kill Zavi di Gavi or Dumanon at Porto Bello – The hold to obtain 30 casks of old wine
5. Talk to the man again Admirial Nunez's Cameo
6. Talk to the Haggard Lady at I7 and receive Vis + quest item
7. Talk to Nunez at G4
8. Talk to the man at G11 again
9. Return to Sharif to complete the quest
Quest: Iler’s RococoNPC + Location: Najib Sharif, Cite de Reboldoeux
Reward: EXP Card
Difficulty:easy1. Talk to Najib Sharif
2. Travel to Dr. Torshe Mansion, Reception Hall
3. Hunt for 30x Antique Silver Candle dropped by Haunted Candle and 30x Rococo Furniture dropped by Haunted Desk
4. Talk to Sharif to complete the quest
Quest: Vera, The Furniture ConnoisseurNPC + Location: Najib Sharif, Cite de Reboldoeux
Reward: EXP Card
Difficulty:easy1. Talk to Sharif
2. Talk to Vera
3. You will be teleported to an instance. Defeat the furniture
4. Defeat the ghost baron
5. Talk to Vera again
6. Talk to Sharif
7. Talk to Sharif to complete the quest
Quest: Fix FurnitureNPC + Location: Najib Sharif, Cite de Reboldoeux
Reward: Najib Sharif’s Card, EXP Card and level 60 Enhancement Chip
Difficulty:easy1. Talk to Sharif,
2. Travel to El Tejado Verde
3. Kill Daemonische to get 20x Daemonische Oil from
4. Kill Tree to get 20x Solid Timber
5. Talk to Sharif to complete the quest

Claude BaudezTotal Stat Points: 330
Str: 80
Agi: 50
Con: 80
Dex: 50
Int: 30
Cha: 40
Starting Level: 56
Location: Cite de Reboldoeux
Armor: Leather Armor(Fighter), Metal Armor
Personal Skill: Blunt Weapon Crafting
Stances: None: Bareknuckle
Sword/Sabre/Blunt : Back Guard
Sabre : Middle Guard
Sabre + Saber: Twin Blades
Greatsword: Plow Guard, Tail Guard
Polearm : Blandir Cruz, Penetrar Cruz
Polearm "Veteran" : Mighty Cruz
Javelin : Stave Guard
How to get him:Level requirement - 60*Note: You have to defeat Claude in a duel (Quest: The Training) & completed his Silver Baron Quest first*1) Talk to Claude. He will ask you to collect 45 Turtle Shells from
Bomber Tortoise (lvl 46) at Porto Bello, A Deserted Quay, 45 Trench Knives (Dagger Handler) from
Corlien Dynamiter (lvl 50) & 45 Tungsten from
Dandelion Gorilla (lvl 49) both at El Lago de Tres Hermanas.
[Rewards: Trooper's Sabre (lvl 60), Durandal (lvl 60 sword) & 1x Lvl 60 (43,600 Exp) Card]
2) Talk to Claude again. This time, he wants you to collect 60 Pieces of Live Candles from
Haunted Candle (lvl 54), 60 Dog Tooth from
Wild Dogs (lvl 54) & 60
from Gechos (lvl 54). All can be found just outside Dr Torche's Mansion. Candles can also be found inside the mansion.
3) Return to Claude to receive your Claude NPC Card, Lvl 60 Greatsword (Slayer??) & Lvl 60 Pole Arm (Brandistock??).

Andre Janzur
Total Stat Points: 330
Str: 70
Agi: 60
Con: 70
Dex: 60
Int: 40
Cha: 30
Starting Level: 56
Location: Cite de Reboldoeux
Armor: Leather (Fighter), Leather (Scout), Coat (Musketeer), Coat (Wizard), Robe
Personal Skill: Clothing Design
None: Bareknuckle
Rapier : Epee Garde, Sabre Garde
Rapier + Main Gauche: Main-gauche Garde
Rapier + Rapier "Expert": Rapiere
How to get him:
Level requirement - 72
*Note: You have to complete Andre Janzur's "Pure White Food" quest first*
1) Talk to Andre. He will ask you to collect 150 White Feathers from Cockatrice (lvl 65) at Rion Prairie or Tributary of the Bonavista.
2) Return to Andre to receive your Andre NPC Card.

Angie McKenzie
Total Stat Points: 300
Str: 40
Agi: 60
Con: 50
Dex: 60
Int: 50
Cha: 40
Starting Level: 1
Location: Queen's Gate
Armor: Leather Armor(Scout)
Personal Skill: Remove Construction
None: Construction, Structure Build "aka Defensive Construction", Install Trap
(Hammer): Construction, Structure Build "aka Defensive Construction"
How to get him:
Level requirement - 20
Her quest is pretty simple and does not require high levels.
1. She will send you out to hunt Skeletons in King's Garden.
2. You will be breaking rocks in an instance after talking to her.
3. You will be sent to hunt Lazims in Tetra Hill.
4. She will ask for 175 or of each city return scroll. [Cash Shop scrolls]
5. Last part is to return to Angie to receive her card.
C. Port of Coimbra

Coimbra Trooper
Total Stat Points: 280
Str: 50
Agi: 50
Con: 70
Dex: 50
Int: 30
Cha: 30
Starting Level: 16
Location: Port of Coimbra
Armor: Leather Armor(Fighter), Metal Armor
Personal Skill: Provoke
None: Bareknuckle
Sword/Blunt + (+Shied): Back Guard
Sword "Expert": Equites
Sword and Shield: High Guard
Blunt Weapon + Shield "Veteran" - The Defender
Sword + Sword : Hack and Slash
Polearm : Blandir Cruz, Penetrar Cruz
Polearm "Veteran": Mighty Cruz
How to get Coimbra Trooper:
Complete Lisa Lynway's 1st Quest to obtain Coimbra Trooper NPC Card. Check Lisa's quest below.

Total Stat Points: 300
Str: 60
Agi: 70
Con: 50
Dex: 60
Int: 30
Cha: 30
Starting Level: 20
Location: Port of Coimbra
Armor: Leather Armor(Scout)
Personal Skill: Healing
None: Bareknuckle, Fortitudo
None "Veteran": Tactical Assistance
Dagger : Escrima
Dagger "Expert" : Arnis
How to get him:
Level requirement - 1
1) Talk to Soho. He will ask you to collect 25 Buffalo Horns. Travel to King's Garden and hunt Brown Buffalos (lvl 20). Once done, return to Soho.
[Rewards: 1000 vis]
Level requirement - 25
2) Talk to Soho. He will ask you to collect 10 Gargoyle's Wings. Travel to Tetra Grand Corridor and hunt Winged Gargoyles (lvl 27).

Lisa Lynway
Total Stat Points: 300
Str: 50
Agi: 80
Con: 50
Dex: 60
Int: 30
Cha: 30
Starting Level: 24
Location: Port of Coimbra
Armor: Leather Armor (Fighter)
Personal Skill: None
None: Bareknuckle
Dagger : Escrima
Dagger "Expert" : Arnis
Dagger + Dagger : Dobalada Corte
Dagger + Dagger "Expert" : Raid Assault
How to get her:
Level requirement - 20
1) Talk to Lisa. She will ask you to collect 1 Avocado. Travel to King's Garden. There is a Glowing Tree Go near the tree and you'll receive 1xAvocado. Talk to Lisa again.
[Rewards: 1xCoimbra Trooper NPC card, 1xAvocado Sandwich, 3x Lvl 1 (3240 Exp) Cards]
2) This time, she will ask you to gather 50 High Quality Cabosse. Travel to Tetra Great Ruins and hunt Phobitan Imps (lvl 23) and Phobitan Rouges (lvl 26). Once done, speak to Lisa again.
[Rewards: 1xEvocation Fire/Ice/Lightning Stancebook]
3) Now, you will have to gather 25 Comodo's Meat and 20 Daemon's Horn. Travel to Tetra Grand Corridoor and hunt Comodos (lvl 27). Next, travel to Tetra Catacombs and hunt Daemons (lvl 30).
4) Return to Lisa to receive your Lisa Lynway NPC Card & 1xDobolada Corte Stancebook

Emilia Giannino
Total Stat Points: 300
Str: 40
Agi: 50
Con: 40
Dex: 50
Int: 60
Cha: 60
Starting Level: 24
Location: Port of Coimbra
Armor: Coat (Wizard), Leather (Generic)
Personal Skill: Healing
None: Bareknuckle
(Rod/Special Rod): ESP
(Rod "Veteran"): Incantation
Rod/Special Rod "Expert" : Power of Darkness
How to get her:
Level requirement - 25
1) Talk to Emilia. She will ask you to retrive Dr Lorenzo's Diary. Travel to Tetra Grand Corridoor and search for A Strange Cask. Return to Emilia.
[Rewards: 3x Lvl 30 (10,200 Exp) Cards]
2) This time, Emilia asks you to bring a diary to her friend in Cite de Reboldoeux. Travel to Cite de Reboldoeux and talk to the Scholar.
3) Return to Emilia to receive your Emilia NPC Card & 3x Lvl 30 (10,200 Exp) Cards.

Grace Bernelli
Total Stat Points: 300
Str: 40
Agi: 70
Con: 40
Dex: 90
Int: 30
Cha: 30
Starting Level: 32
Location: Port of Coimbra
Armor: Coat(Musk), Leather Armor(Generic)
Personal Skill: Gun Manufacture
None: Bareknuckle
Pistol: Aiming Shot, Freestyle Shot
Pistol + Pistol: Double Gun Shot
Shotgun : Shotgun Blaster
Shotgun "Veteran" : Gigantic Blaster
Rifle/ Bayonet: Standing Shot, Kneeling Shot
Rifle/ Bayonet "Expert": Flintlock
Bayonet "Veteran": Encounter Shot
How to get her:
Level requirement - 30
1) Talk to Grace. You will engage in a 1v1 battle VS Bernelli with a 3 minute clock. After defeating Grace, talk to her again.
2) This time, she will ask you to carry out an investigation in Tetra Catacombs. Travel to Tetra Catacombs. At the end of the dungeon you will find a door. Enter it and you will be teleported to an instance area. You have to defeat the Treasure Golem (lvl 39) within 10 minutes. After defeating the Golem, return back to Grace.
[Rewards: 3x Lvl 30 (14,400 Exp) Cards]
3) Now, you have to travel back to the same door in Tetra Catacombs where you defeated the Treasure Golem. This time, you will have to defeat the Treasure Golem and Sorcerer Cheryln within 10 minutes. Grace will accompany your team in this battle (but you cannot control her).
4) Return back to Grace to receive your Grace Bernelli NPC Card

Adelina Esparanza
Total Stat Points: 330
Str: 60
Agi: 80
Con: 60
Dex: 60
Int: 30
Cha: 40
Starting Level: 36
Location: Port of Coimbra
Armor: Leather Armor(Fighter)
Personal Skill: Sword Crafting
None: Bareknuckle
Sabre: Back Guard, Middle Guard
Sabre "Veteran": Low Guard
Sabre + Sabre: Twin Blades
Sabre + Pistol: Heaven or Hell
Pistol : Freestyle Shot
Pistol + Pistol: Double Gun Shot
How to get her:
Level requirement: 36
1) Talk to Adelina. She will ask you to collect 3 skulls from Porto Bello.
Quest: Adeline's Grim Task NPC + Location: Adeline, Port of Coimbra Reward: EXP Card & Adeline RNPC Card Difficulty:easy 1. Talk to Adeline in Port of Coimbra 2. Go to Porto Bello - The Deck: J7 and click on the skeleton 3. Go to Porto Bello - The Cabin: K8 and click on the skeleton 4. Go to Porot Bello - The Hold: G9 and click on the skeleton 5. Return to Adelina to complete the quest |
2) Return back to Adelina to receive your Adelina NPC card.
Adelina's Journey of Revenge quest:
Adelina's Level requirement - 36
*Note: In the following parts, ONLY Adelina can participate in the mission battles. You will not be able to control ur other 2 characters during instance battles. So it is recommended that you stock up lots of HP pots for Adelina to use*
1) Inspect the barrel located behind the NPC Adelina. Next, search for a Graveyard located at Coimbra Nimrod Bridge. Then speak to Ricardo in Coimbra. He tells u that Benito is in Coimbra.
2) Search around the area near Las Casas. Bardi will appear and Adelina will have to defeat him within 4 minutes.
3) Go back and talk to Ricardo. He tells you that Benito is located at Reboldoeux. Search around City de Reboldoeux near the Queen's Gate exit, where Panfilo is. Benito will appear and Adelina will have to defeat him within 4 minutes.
4) Go back to Ricardo. You will be teleported to a ship where you will battle 3 pirates, followed by Guillermo. Defeat them within 5 minutes.
5) Talk to Ricardo. Then return to the Graveyard to complete Adelina's quest.
[Rewards: Some Family Rep points]

Total Stat Points: 300
Str: 60
Agi: 70
Con: 60
Dex: 50
Int: 30
Cha: 30
Starting Level: 40
Location: Port of Coimbra
Armor: Leather (Fighter), Leather (Scout)
Personal Skill: Bloodthirsty Windstorm
(Knuckle): Bareknuckle (special)
Gaiter: Back Guard, Middle Guard
Knuckle + Gaiter "Expert" : Master's Martial Art
Note: Note that the stancebook "Masters Martial Art" can be used by an Expert character (and hence the classification under Expert), but it is not tradable, and the quest to unlock Gertrude's shop requires a Master level Martial Artist (any one of them, including Soho the Wind, will do), so in practice, it is a Master level stance.
How to get him:
Suggested level: Around lvl 40
1) Talk to Gracielo. He will ask you to give him Ferruccio Bread, Milk & Chocolate. Bread and milk can be purchased from the girl at Queen's Gate. Chocolate can be purchased from Lisa Lynway.
2) Once done, Gracielo will ask you to speak to Camille . She will ask you to fight Gracielo (lvl 40).
3) Return to Gracielo to receive your Gracielo NPC card.
How to get Book of Wind:
Gracielo's Level requirement - 40
*Note: In the following parts, ONLY Gracielo can participate in the mission battles. You will not be able to control ur other 2 characters during instance battles. So it is recommended that you stock up lots of HP pots for Gracielo to use*
1) Gracielo must be in your 3-men team. Set Gracielo as leader and go to the Highest point in Coimbra. 3 Thugs will appear and Gracielo has to defeat them.
2) Talk to Camille, then go to Reboldoeux and speak to Menendez, the Head of the Combat Squad of the Reboldoeux Guards. You will then battle 100 Reboldoeux Soldiers. They will come in groups of 1, followed by groups of 2, followed by groups of 3, and towards the end of ur 100 soldiers they will come in groups of 4.
[Rewards: Lvl 48 Leg Guard, 3x Lvl 40 (19,400 Exp) Cards & 8,000 House Gate points]
Gracielo's Level requirement - 42
3) Menendez will tell you to challenge the Combat Squad of the Coimbran Guard. Talk to Coimbra's Combat Master. You will have to defeat 4 Coimbran Guards & Epoite. Epoite, who is Camille's brother, dies after the battle.
4) Talk to Camille. She does not accept your excuses for killing Epoite. You will be teleported to an instance area to break boxes and barrels (Yes. Nothing to kill... just break the boxes)
5) Next, go back to the highest point of Coimbra. You will battle with the 3 Thugs again. Upon defeating them, 5 Coimbran Guards will appear to seek revenge for Epoite. Defeat the Guards.
6) Talk to the Substitute Combat Master of Coimbra. You will be teleported. Click on the Tomb of Epolite. Fritz will appear and tells you to go find a hut located at Porto Bello, A Deserted Quay
Gracielo's Level requirement - 46
*Note: For the subsequent missions located at the Hut, there are barrels by the side of the hut which can be broken during battles for temporary atk/def/spd bonuses*
7) Click on the Door of the Hut. Fritz will appear and tells Gracielo to begin his training. Talk to the Scarecrow beside the hut at Porto Bello, A Deserted Quay. Gracielo will begin his first day of training - Killing Tortoise. You have to kill a lot of Cannon Tortoise (lvl 35)
8) Talk to the Scarecrow again to begin the second day of training - Killing Wolves. As usual, you have to kill a lot of Grey Wolves (lvl 35).
9) Talk to the Scarecrow again. On the third day of training, Gacielo will battle against a Grizzly Scavanger (lvl40). Defeat the beast and you will be able to break the Stone. You will fight a pack of Wolves again, but this time they won't attack you.
10) Fritz will tell you to go challenge his 3 disciples.
11) Look for Las Casas, near the warp point . Gracielo will have to fight him.
[Rewards: Secret Skill Book ~Crazy Rush~ & 3x Lvl 40 (25,000 Exp) Cards]
12) Next, Talk to Reen, the female soldier standing in the center of Rebolduex Stone Pit. Gracielo will have to defeat her.
[Rewards: Secret Skill Book ~Tornado Vortex~, 3x Lvl 40 (25,000 Exp) Cards & 20,000 House Gate points]
13) Then, Look for a Worker (Hey! Guess what... It's Selden!!) near the giant stone statue in Ferruccio Junction Gracielo will have to defeat him.
[Rewards: Secret Skill Book ~Dragon Kick~, 3x (27,000 Exp) Cards, 2x Health-fillers & 25,000 House Gate points]
14) Return to the hut at Deserted Quay and click on the Door. Gracielo will have a talk with Fritz.
[Rewards: Chapter of Wind skillbook] Congrats! =P

Total Stat Points: 300
Str: 30
Agi: 30
Con: 60
Dex: 40
Int: 70
Cha: 70
Starting Level: 44
Location: Port of Coimbra
Armor: Robe
Personal Skill: Magical Weapon Production
(Fire Bracelet): Possession Fire
Fire Bracelet + Fire/Skullic Bracelet: Evocation Fire
Fire Bracelet + Fire/Skullic Bracelet "Veteran": Domination Fire
Staff/Special Rod: Illusionist, Levitation
Staff/Special Rod "Expert": Power of Darkness
Staff "Veteran": Anathema
How to get him:
Level requirement - 44
1) Talk to M'boma. He will ask you to give him 1xPercha Ingellina.
2) Look for Panfilo in Reboldoeux. He will ask you to hunt 30 Fresh Octopus Arms from Barrel Octopus/Crate Octopus (lvl 36/35).
[Rewards: 1xPercha Ingellina]
3) Go back to M'Boma and give him the Percha Ingellina.
[Rewards: 3x Lvl 40 (23,000 Exp) Cards]
4) Talk to M'Boma again. This time, you will have a duel with him, and Claude will come to aid him. Defeat them within 4 minutes.
5) Return to M'Boma to receive your M'Boma NPC Card.

Total Stat Points: 300
Str: 90
Agi: 40
Con: 70
Dex: 40
Int: 30
Cha: 30
Starting Level: 44
Location: Port of Coimbra
Armor: Leather Armor(Fighter),Metal
Personal Skill: None
None: Bareknuckle
Polearm: Blandir Cruz, Pentrar Cruz
Polearm "Veteran": Mighty Cruz
Greatsword: Plow Guard, Tail Guard
Javelin "Veteran": Stave Guard
How to get him:
Level requirement - 24
1) Talk to Alejandro. You will be teleported to an instance area to defeat Escudo Pecher(lvl24) within 10 minutes.
[Rewards: 3x Lvl 20 (6,760 Exp) Cards]
Level requirement - 40
2) Talk to Alejandro. This time, he wants you to collect 10 Escudo Pecher's Arms from Escudo Pecher (lvl 40) at Porto Bello Deck
[Rewards: 3x Lvl 40 (21,200 Exp) Cards]
Level requirement - 46
3) Talk to Alejandro again. You will be teleported to an instance area to defeat Loby Dick within 10 minutes.
4) Return to Alejandro to receive your Alejandro NPC Card & 3x Lvl 40 (23,000 Exp) Cards.

Jose Cortasar
Total Stat Points: 300
Str: 50
Agi: 40
Con: 50
Dex: 70
Int: 50
Cha: 40
Starting Level: 48
Location: Port of Coimbra
Armor: Leather Armor(Fighter), Metal Armor
Personal Skill: Canon Production
None: Bareknuckle
Polearm: Blandir Cruz, Pentrar Cruz
Polearm "Veteran": Mighty Cruz
Cannon: Siege Burst
Cannon "Veteran": Gigantic Markmanship
How to get him:
Level requirement - 40
1) Talk to Jose. He will ask you to collect 50 Pasiar Shells from Pasiar (lvl 43) at Porto Bello Hold & Cabin.
[Rewards: 3x Lvl 40 (29,200 Exp) Cards]
2) Talk to Jose again. This time, he wants you to collect 100 Tortoise Powder from Cannon Tortoise & Bomber Tortoise (lvl 46/47) at Porto Bello, A Deserted Quay.
[Rewards: 3x (36,000 Exp) Cards]
Level requirement - 48
3) Talk to Jose. You will engage in a duel with him. Claude will aid Jose in this duel. Defeat Jose to complete the quest.
4) Return to Jose to receive your Jose NPC Card & 3x (38,400 Exp) Cards

Total Stat Points: 300
Str: 80
Agi: 60
Con: 50
Dex: 50
Int: 30
Cha: 30
Starting Level: 1
Location: Port of Coimbra
Armor: Leather (Fighter), Leather (Scout)
Personal Skill: Spirit of Burning
None: Bareknuckle (special)
Knuckle: Book of Earth
Gaiter: Book of Wind
Knuckle/Gaiter: Book of Fire
Knuckle + Gaiter "Expert": Master's Martial Arts
Note: Note that the stancebook "Masters Martial Art" can be used by an Expert character (and hence the classification under Expert), but it is not tradable, and the quest to unlock Gertrude's shop requires a Master level Martial Artist (any one of them, including Soho the Wind, will do), so in practice, it is a Master level stance.
How to get him:
Taken From giliam Guide:
Quests: Irawan's card
NPC + Location: Irawan, Port de Coimbra
Reward: Irawan card
Difficulty: easy or difficult
1. Talk to Irawan on right of the Leonardo express in Port de Coimbra.
2. Give Irawan 1000 Vis. You will be teleported into an instance where Irawan defeats all the thugs
3. Talk to Irawan again and give him 10 soul crystals
4. Talk to Irawan again and you will be teleported to an instance sequence.
5. After the sequence Irawan asks for 10 truimph fillers and 10 Hrin’s Potions
6. After this you will be taken through a sequence again and Iriwan will offer you his card
7. Talk tp Irawan to complete the quest

Total Stat Points: 300
Str: 50
Agi: 70
Con: 50
Dex: 70
Int: 30
Cha: 30
Starting Level: 1
Location: Port of Coimbra
Armor: Leather Armor(Fighter)
Personal Skill: Cats Eye
None: Bareknuckle
Dagger: Escrima
Dagger + Dagger : Dobalada Corte
Crossbow: Arbalester
Crossbow "Veteran": Sagitta
How to get her:
Taken and Credited From Dem Blog:
Getting Calyce Card- Talk to Calyce. She is in Pegadilla, Port of Coimbra.
- Talk to the Mercenary Soldier beside Calyce to start an instanced mission involving combat. The level of mob is dependent on your level. (You can stay out of combat and let the NPCs do the fighting.)
- Talk to the Mercenary Soldier again and give him 50 Mystery Powders.
- Talk to Princess Gabriel. She is in the Reception Hall, Cite de Reboldoeux.
- Return to Calyce to receive Calyce Character Card.
Getting Her Stance Book
Taken and Credited From Dem Blog:- With Calyce as leader, talk to Gerard.
- Talk to the Mercenary Soldier nearby.
- Move to the indicated location at F2, Porto Bello, Deserted Quay. The trigger spot in somewhere between the six pillars.
- Talk to Mamon to start an instanced mission involving combat with Mamon. (He takes a while to appear.)
- Go inside the Sea Elephant Cafe of Port of Coimbra and talk to Gurtrude and Gerard. (They are seated inside close to the wall next to the counter and they are a little bit hard to click on. Rotate and zoom the camera to get a full view of the interior of Sea Elephant Cafe, and use shift-click to move as close to them as possible before clicking on them, or your characters will end up running all over town due to some pathfinding issues.)
- Remove Calyce from active team, go to City of Auch, and talk to Auch's Gurtrude using any other character.
- Put Calyce back in team, head back to Deserted Quay, and talk to Mamon to start another instanced mission. (At least two characters, with one of them being Calyce, in team are needed for this mission.)
- Within the mission, walk over the green arrow and all your characters, except for Calyce, will be immobilized and hidden. Move Calyce forward to confront the mobs, let her HP fall under 50% (or just let her die), and Fritz will appear. At this point, Calyce will be immobilized and hidden while your other characters will be free to move again. Talk to Fritz to receive the Sagitta Stance Book.
D. City of Auch

Total Stat Points: 280
Str: 50
Agi: 80
Con: 40
Dex: 50
Int: 30
Cha: 30
Starting Level: 16
Location: City of Auch
Armor: Leather Armor(Fighter)
Personal Skill: Sprint
None: Bareknuckle
Main-Gauche: Back Guard, Middle Guard
Main-Gauche "Veteran": Low Guard
Sword: Plow Guard, Tail Guard
Sword "Veteran": Sidewinder
Sword "Expert": Hanging Guard
How to get him:
Level requirement - 50- Talk to Lorch and accept his request.
- Go to Grandma Arcade and walk over the Lost Time trigger spot.
- Talk to all the NPCs nearby, including those around the PVP Officer.
- Talk to the Girl in front of the PVP Officer to receive the next clue.
- Go to F5 and talk to the Boy.
- Go to J7 and talk to Tiburon, the Backstreet Boy. There are two options:-
- Pay 200,000 vis, or
- Pay 20,000 vis to start an instanced mission involving combat. Defeat Tiburon (and Ramiro and Isabella if they appear) to proceed.
- Talk to Tiburon again to receive Tiburon Character Card as well as the required quest item.
- Return to Lorch.

Auch Infantry
Total Stat Points: 280
Str: 40
Agi: 50
Con: 50
Dex: 80
Int: 30
Cha: 30
Starting Level: 16
Location: City of Auch
Armor: Leather (Generic), Coat (Musketeer)
Personal Skill: Concentration
None: Bareknuckle
Rifle/Bayonet: Standing Shot, Kneeling Shot
Rifle/Bayonet "Expert": Flintlock
How to get Auch Infantry:
Suggested level - Around 16
1) Talk to the Auch Soldier near the entrance. You will have to fight a lot of Auch Infantry. Defeat enough Infantry to complete the mission.
2) Return to the Soldier to receive your Auch Infantry Card.

Jean-Pierre Gascon
Total Stat Points: 300
Str: 70
Agi: 50
Con: 70
Dex: 50
Int: 30
Cha: 30
Starting Level: 40
Location: City of Auch
Armor: Leather (Fighter), Leather (Scout)
Personal Skill: Power of Earth
None: Bareknuckle
Knuckle: Book of Earth
Knuckle + Gaiter "Expert": Master's Martial Arts
Note: Note that the stancebook "Masters Martial Art" can be used by an Expert character (and hence the classification under Expert), but it is not tradable, and the quest to unlock Gertrude's shop requires a Master level Martial Artist (any one of them, including Soho the Wind, will do), so in practice, it is a Master level stance.
Taken From giliam Guide:
How to get him:
Level requirement - 60
1) Talk to Gurtrude. He will ask you to collect 40 Torche's Diary from Flying Books (lvl 59) at Dr Torche's Mansion.
[Rewards: 30,000 vis & 1x Lvl 60 (43,600 Exp) Card]
Level requirement - 68
Quest: Investigation of Joaquin Concentration Camp
NPC + Location: Jean-Pierre Gascon, City of Auch
Reward: EXP Card and 50,000 Vis
1. Finish the above Quest
2. Talk to Jean
3. Travel to Prison de Joaquin
4. Search the Gulag Furnaces to receive 10 Jaquin Diaries
Prison de Joaquin, The Mohrgus - I9, D6 & B8
Prison de Jaoquin, Altar of Despair - I11
Prison de Joaquin, Torture Chamber - J5 & B9
Prison de Joaquin, Schivarliere - A6 & B7
Prison de Joaquin, Gehenna Bridge - F3 & F10
5. Talk to Jean to complete the quest
Level requirement - 68
Quest: Investigating of Sir Lyndon
NPC + Location: Jean-Pierre Gascon, City of Auch
Reward: Jean-Pierre Gascon's Card
1. Complete the above quest and talk to Jean
2. Travel to Cite de Reboldoeux
3. Talk to Brunie Etienne
4. Give her 5000 Vis
5. Talk to Eusebio (not sure if you have to Talk to Jean first)
6. Travel to Joaquin de Prison, The Mohrgus and farm for 20x Bulk of Gold
7. Talk to Eusebio

Lorch Furuholen
Total Stat Points: 310
Str: 40
Agi: 60
Con: 50
Dex: 80
Int: 50
Cha: 30
Starting Level: 52
Location: City of Auch
Armor: Coat (Musk), Leather (Generic)
Personal Skill: Shotgun Production
None: Install Trap
Shotgun: Hunting Blaster
Shotgun "Veteran": Gigantic Blaster
Taken From giliam Guide:
How to get him:
Level requirement - 50
Quest: Lost Time
NPC + Location: Lorch Furuhole, City of Auch
Reward: Tiburon's Card & Lvl 68 Enhancement Chip
1. Talk to Lorch at City of Auch,
2. Go to the area of Grandice Arcade (PvP Officer area)
3. Walk around to find the watch, there will be a message when you step on it
4. Talk to the npc’s around the area
5. Go and talk to the boy at F5 of Olaf junction.
6. Go and talk to the boy at J7 of the backstreet
7. Reject the boy and then pay 20.000 vis and you will be teleported to an inctance
8. Defeat the three kids and receive the watch and other items
9. Return to Lorch to complete the quest
Tips: Very irritating fight, Try to attack one of the guys and when the girl appears kill her first. After that take out the guys one by one
Level requirement - 50
Quest: Tortoise Powder
NPC + Location: Lorch Furuhole, City of Auch
1. Complete the above quest
2. Talk a couple of times to Lorch
3. Travel to Porto Bello Deserted Quay and kill Steel Armed Tortoise to Collect 60 * Shining Tortoise Powder 60 (Rare Drop)
4. Talk to Lorch to complete the quest
Quest: Road to Independence 1
NPC + Location: Lorch Furuhole, City of Auch
Reward: Tiramisu, Layered Cheesecake and Sachertorte
Difficulty: easy
1. Go to City of Auch, H11. (Left stairs, second steps from the top, right side of the stairs) and a message will appear Select “Hm..i’d better see what’s going on.”
2. Talk to Lorch
3. Talk to the soldier and kill them
4. Talk to Lorch to complete the quest
Level requirement - 50
Quest: A Secret Admirer
NPC + Location: Lisabella, City of Auch
Reward: 1,000 Vis
1. Talk to Isabella, She is located at City of Auch G9
2. Talt to Lorch
3. Select “Er..I think there’s been a misunderstanding"
4. Talk to Isabella
5. Select any option and you will be teleported to an instance
6. Talk to her again
7. Talk to Lorch
8. Promise to help her if she needs any help
Level requirement - 50
Quest: Road to Independence 2
NPC + Location: Lorch Furuhole, City of Auch
Reward: EXP Card
1. Go to G7, directly in front of the Precious Metal Merchant

This will trigger a message, select the second “Hrm,I’d better see what’s going on.”
2. You will be instanced to do battle with a few Auch Musketeer
3. Defeat them
4. Return to Lorch to get EXP Cards
Quest: A Role in the Shotgun Making Process
NPC + Location: Lorch Furuhole, City of Auch
Taken From Dem Blog:
Materials for a Shotgun
Objective : Dread Buster, Stun Gun, or Poison Shooter
Prerequisite : character lvl50
This is a continuation of the previous quest-line.- Talk to Lorch and accept his request. It may require repeated conversations before the option to acccept the quest shows up in the dialog.
- Choose any one of the shotguns and hunt the respective creatures for the required quest items:-
- Dread Buster
- Hermits in Dr. Torsche's Mansion Savage Garden,
- Bears in Rion Prarie, and
- Hollow Footmen in Dr. Torsche's Mansion Reception Hall or Grand Library.
- Stun Gun
- Doggy Panzers in Rion Prarie, El Tejado Verde, or Pradera de Ceniza,
- Doggy Bombers in Rion Prarie, El Tejado Verde, or Pradera de Ceniza, and
- Hollow Footmen in Dr. Torsche's Mansion Reception Hall or Grand Library.
- Poison Shooter
- Red Striped Spiders in Pradera de Ceniza,
- Wolves in Rion Prarie, and
- Hollow Footmen in Dr. Torsche's Mansion Reception Hall or Grand Library.
- Return to Lorch.
Level requirement - 50
Lorch's Fight~
NPC + Location: Lorch Furuhole, City of Auch
1. You have to wait till Lorch finished the Shotgun. Walk near the city entrance H11. till the quest triggers.
2. Talk to lorch and join him in the square place,
3. Lorch want to try out his new Shotgun on you....
Level requirement - 50
Quest: Mors Sola
NPC + Location: Lorch Furuhole, City of Auch
Reward: card + gun
1. Head for the exit of the town and it will trigger a new quest
2. Go to Lorch
3. He will request you to fight with him
4. Select “I’ve always wanted to beat up those spies”
5. You will then be instanced to do battle with the “spies” (Till Death do Us Part)
6. After you have defeated them, talk to Lorch
7. He says he need to wait for an acknowledgement letter from his dad
8. Wait around for 15 mins. (some say just leaving the city also works, but i am not sure)
9. Walk towards the pvp officer. You should hear a bell sound!
10. Go to Lorch to get his Card and Poison Shooter (Or which ever gun you chose)

Total Stat Points: 320
Str: 60
Agi: 70
Con: 50
Dex: 50
Int: 70
Cha: 30
Starting Level: 56
Location: City of Auch
Armor: Robe, Leather (Generic)
Personal Skill: Accessorry Manufacture
None: Bareknuckle
Rapier: Epee Garde, Sabre Garde
Rapier + Ice Bracelet: Epee Glacier, Sabre Glacier
Rapier + Rapier "Expert": Rapiere
How do I get her Karjalen
Level requirement - Minimum Character lvl 84
Taken From Dem Blog:
*Note: You need to have Andre in your team any lvl*
Prerequisite : Andre Janzur- Talk to Kajaraine using any character (other than Andre). The character needs to be wearing a lvl84 or above body armor (not costume) designed by Andre. Qualified armors include Elite Camisa, Elite Laranja, Elite Albaes, Elite Alegrias, Elite Elementalist, Elite Striform, Gladiator's Armor, Capezollo de Pericolo, Rosa Matrimonio, Clara Mago, and Corsair Rosso.
- Put Andre into active team and with Andre as leader, talk to Kajaraine to start an instanced mission involving combat with Kajaraine.
- With Andre as leader, talk to Kajaraine again after mission to receive Kajaraine Character Card.

Bai Hu
Total Stat Points: 300
Str: 70
Agi: 70
Con: 50
Dex: 50
Int: 30
Cha: 30
Starting Level: 1
Location: City of Auch
Armor: Leather (Fighter), Leather (Scout)
Personal Skill: Spirit of Hworang
None: Bareknuckle (special)
Knuckle: Book of Earth
Gaiter: Book of Wind
Knuckle/Gaiter: Book of Mind
Knuckle + Gaiter "Expert": Master's Martial Arts
Note: Note that the stancebook "Masters Martial Art" can be used by an Expert character (and hence the classification under Expert), but it is not tradable, and the quest to unlock Gertrude's shop requires a Master level Martial Artist (any one of them, including Soho the Wind, will do), so in practice, it is a Master level stance.
How to get Back Ho:
Suggested level - Any
Taken and Credited From Dem Blog:
Prerequisite : none- Go to G10 of City of Auch and talk to Back Ho to start an instanced mission.
- Talk to Back Ho again after the mission.
- Go to F9 of City of Auch and talk to Gurtrude.
- Go to H10 of Port of Gigante and talk to Soso.
- Go to I4 of Port of Coimbra and talk to Irawan.
- Go to F4 of Port of Coimbra and talk to Gracielo.
- Return to Back Ho to start another instanced mission.
- Talk to Back Ho and give him 50 Mystery Powders to receive Back Ho Character Card.

Total Stat Points: 300
Str: 50
Agi: 70
Con: 40
Dex: 60
Int: 30
Cha: 50
Starting Level: 1
Location: City of Auch
Armor: Metal, Leather (Fighter)
Personal Skill: Summon Bear Walker
None: Bareknuckle
Greatsword: Novice Guard
Greatsword "Expert": Tested Guard
Cannon: Novice Marksmanship
Taken From KUSABIREIKA Guide:
How to get Claire:
Suggested level - any
*Note: You need to have Claude in your team any lvl*
Quest: Getting Claire
NPC + Claire, City of Auch
Reward: After finishing the quest you will be awarded xp card, general glazium and Claire Card
Difficulty: Easy to Irritating Long- Talk to Clare with Claude as your family’s leader in Auch (any lvl of Claude will do)
- Go back to barracks and drop Claude from group
- After some really long "story" about a letter and reply between Claire and her Father-in-law Claude, go to Coimbra, and talk to Jose with the Elemental Jewel in your inventory.
- Return to Claire, and speak to her. This will result in a dialogue regarding the story of Claire, the Greatsword and the Elemental Jewel
- Once the dialogue ends, tell Claire that you choose the 2nd option (see Jose's quest as mentioned above) Jose will say something along the lines of “I'm hungry do you have anything fresh”.He's hungry and wants an Avocado sandwich.
- Go to lisa and buy an Avocado sandwich.
- After Jose, if you choose to pay 500k vis then you need to give Claire 1 elem jewel. If you choose to fight, you don't have to. Quote:
If you chose the 2nd, you will be transported into a mission room. You are required to defeat 3 level 65 Escudo Perchers. Quote:

- Return to Jose and give him the quest items. He'll thank you for it. Then charge you 500,000 vis and give you the item Claire asked you to get from him "Choose either one. After that he'll give you the greatsword."
When you go back to Claire she'll ask you for another item.- She wants an Elemental Jewel (10,000,000 vis from item dealer)
- Give her the Jewel and she'll send you off to get 3 more items from 3 different people in each town( Reboldeux, Coimbra ,and Auch)
- Talk to Menedez on cite de Reboldeux he gonna give large age watch
- Talk to Emilia in Coimbra, she'll give you 1 headband
- Talk to Vincente Rio in Auch. He'll give you one first class rucksack
- after talking to 3 npc Go back to Claire and talk to her.
Wht Elite Cockatrice look like |
- After you have gathered the gemstone, talk to Claude.
- Once you have collected all the required quest gemstones, talk to Claude to seek his permission to travel.
- After finishing the quest talk to Claude. After the conversation, the quest is finished. Claude permits Claire to go on a journey together with you ^^
- After finishing the quest you will be awarded xp card, general glazium and Claire Card

Vicente Rio
Total Stat Points: 320
Str: 40
Agi: 50
Con: 40
Dex: 40
Int: 80
Cha: 70
Starting Level: 1
Location: City of Auch
Armor: Robe
Personal Skill: None
None: Bareknuckle
Lute: Minstrel
Lute Veteran: Seranade
Lightning Bracelet: Possession Lightning
Lightning Bracelet + Lightning/Skullic Bracelet: Excovation Lightning
Lightning Bracelet + Lightning/Skullic Bracelet "Veteran": Domination Lightning
How to get Vicente Rio :
Suggested level - Any
Prerequisite : none
Taken and Credited From Dem Blog:- Talk to Vicente. He is the enhancement merchant in City of Auch.
- Talk to Vicente again and give a Possession Lightning Stance Book. The stance book is available from all Elementalist Masters in the Master Rooms of all major cities at 1200 vis each.
- Talk to Vicente again to start an instanced mission involving combat with Vicente. His level is dependent on your level. Defeat him to proceed.
- Talk to Vicente and give him 20 Strengthening Accelerators (Enchantment Boosters) to receive Vicente Character Card.

Total Stat Points: 300
Str: 30
Agi: 27
Con: 32
Dex: 45
Int: 89
Cha: 77
Starting Level: 1
Location: City of Auch
Armor: Robe
Personal Skill: Summon Frost
(Fire Bracelet/LOE Bracelet): Possession Fire
Fire Bracelet + Fire/Skullic Bracelet: Evocation Fire
Fire Bracelet + Fire/Skullic Bracelet "Veteran": Domination Fire
(Ice Bracelet/LOE Bracelet): Possession Ice
Ice Bracelet + Fire/Skullic Bracelet: Evocation Ice
Ice Bracelet + Fire/Skullic Bracelet "Veteran": Domination Ice
(Lightning Bracelet/LOE Bracelet): Possession Lightning
Lightning Bracelet + Lightning/Skullic Bracelet: Evocation Lightning
Lightning Bracelet + Lightning/Skullic Bracelet "Veteran": Domination Lightning
LOE Bracelet "Veteran": Forgotten Magic
How to get Helena:
Suggested level - Around Veteran or Expert
Taken and Credited From Dem Blog:
Objective : end of Arsene Circus quest-line
Prerequisite : talked to Queen Hamaan using Emilia/Emilia the Sage- Go to City of Auch and enter Villa de Libertad to talk to Simon.
- Go to Port of Coimbra and enter Pegadilla to talk to Calyce. (As of v3.4.10, Calyce will talk about this quest only after her own recruitment quest is done. It is unclear if this is intended behaviour or bug.)
- Go to D2 of Cite de Reboldoeux and talk to the Burgundy Palace Guard.
- (Optional) Talk to Brunie, Eusebio, Andre, and Jack for some information regarding Chateau de Bourgogne.
- Return to barracks and remove two characters from the active MCC team, leaving only one. (The Chateau de Bourgogne raid is a special raid that requires participating families to control only one character each.)
- Go into the Reboldoeux Culverts and follow the paths to 4th room (the one without mobs) and click on the area transition to the right to start the quest version of the Chateau de Bourgogne raid. This instanced mission is similar to the actual raid, but the general difficulty is reduced to make it soloable with a single character.
- Within the mission, explore the first floor and defeat Prost, Emily, Celine, and Mario (any two of them will do). Click on the area transition at the end to move to the next level to confront Louis Arsene the 3rd. Louis is lvl105 in this mission. He will summon Prost, Mario, and Hellena to his aid as his hitpoints fall to various levels. Kill all.
- Return to Simon.
Note: This marks the end of the Arsene Circus quest-line. This is the main story quest for v3.4. (Yes it is this short.) Completion of this quest is required as prequisite for Hellena in v3.4 (below) and Master' Martial Arts in v3.5. It also needs to be triggered to start Ania's recruitment quest, but completion is not required.
E. Ustiur Base Camp Characters
Rescue Knight
Total Stat Points: 300
Str: 60
Agi: 50
Con: 70
Dex: 60
Int: 30
Cha: 30
Starting Level: 52
Location: Ustiur Base Camp
Armor: Metal, Leather (Fighter)
Personal Skill: Resuscitation
None: Bareknuckle
Sword: Defending Guard
Rifle/Bayonet: Defending Shot
Rifle/Bayonet "Expert": Flintlock
How to get Rescue Knight :Suggested level - 60
Taken From giliam Guide:
Quest: Disappearance of the Scouting PartyNPC + Location: Romina, Ustiur Base Camp
Reward: Key to the Skullic Dungeon and Rescue Knight Card
Difficulty:1. Complete the above quest
2. Talk to Romina
3. Travel to Skull Dungeon Entrance at Ustiur Tres
4. You will be teleported to an instance
5. Defeat some skeleton’s
6. Talk to the rescue knight
7. Talk to Romina to complete the quest
Total Stat Points: 330
Str: 70
Agi: 60
Con: 70
Dex: 70
Int: 30
Cha: 30
Starting Level: 60
Location: Ustiur Base Camp
Armor: Metal, Leather (Fighter)
Personal Skill: Resuscitation
None: Bareknuckle
Sword: Defending Guard
Sword "Expert": Equites
Rifle/Bayonet: Defending Shot
Rifle/Bayonet "Expert": Flintlock
How to get Rescue Knight : Suggested level - 80+ Taken From giliam Guide:
Quest: The Queen of Pioneers, Grandice NPC + Location: Grandice, Ustiur Base Camp
Difficulty:1. Talk to Grandice to complete the quest
Quest: The Captain, RominaNPC + Location: Romina, Ustiur Base Camp
Reward: EXP Card and Access to Firearms Shop, Enhancement Shop and Consumable Item Shop
Difficulty:1. Talk to Romina to complete the quest
Quest: Supplying the MaterialsNPC + Location: Marcelino, Ustiur Base Camp
Reward: EXP Card and Access to Firearms Shop, Enhancement Shop and Consumable Item Shop
Difficulty:1. Talk to Marcelino
2. Kill Jungle Velociraptors to receive 120 * Dinosaur Claws
3. Talk to MArcelino to complete the quest
Quest: Supplying the Food NPC + Location: Estevan, Ustiur Base Camp
Reward: EXP Card and Access to Equipment Shop and Magic Tool Shop
Difficulty:1. Talk to Estevan
2. Kill Jungle Velociraptors to receive 120 * Dinausar Meat
Quest: An Explorer Position is Under Sudden AttackNPC + Location: Grandice, Ustiur Base Camp
Reward: EXP Card and Access to Zona Dos
Difficulty:1. Talk to Grandice
2. You will be teleported to an instance
3. Defend the warehouse from the dinosaurs
4. Talk to Grandice to complete the quest
Completion of this quest opens up the quest “The Fishermen Arenntos’ Present” and “A Powerful Foe, the Tyrannosaurus”Quest: The Fishermen ArenntosNPC + Location: Arenntos, Ustiur Base Camp
Reward: 3x Nandaz
Difficulty:1. Talk to Arenntos to complete the quest
Quest: A Powerful Foe, the TyrannosaurusNPC + Location: Entrance of Ustiur, Zona Tres in Ustiur, Zona Dos
Reward: EXP Card and Access to Ustiur, Zona Tres
Difficulty:1. Travel to the Entrance of Ustiur, Zona Tres in Ustiur, Zona Dos
2. Click on the door and be teleported to an instance
3. Fight the Tyrannosaurus
4. Talk to Grandice to complete the quest
Quest: Disappearance of the Scouting PartyNPC + Location: Romina, Ustiur Base Camp
Reward: Key to the Skullic Dungeon and Rescue Knight Card
Difficulty:1. Complete the above quest
2. Talk to Romina
3. Travel to Skull Dungeon Entrance at Ustiur Tres
4. You will be teleported to an instance
5. Defeat some skeleton’s
6. Talk to the rescue knight
7. Talk to Romina to complete the quest
Quest: Report to ‘Grandice’!NPC + Location: Grandice, Ustiur Base Camp
Difficulty:1. Talk to Grandice to get complete the quest
Quest: Conflict NPC + Location: Romina, Ustiur Base Camp
Reward: Key to the Skullic Dungeon and Rescue Knight Card
Difficulty:1. Talk to Romina
2. You will be instanced to a conversation
3. Talk to Romina to complete the quest
Quest: Skulls’ Circle DanceNPC + Location: Entrance of Skullic Dungeon at Ustiur Tres
Difficulty:1. Travel to the entrance of Skullic Dungeon at Ustiur Tres
2. You will be teleported to an instance
3. Battle some skulls
4. Defeat them to complete the quest
Quest: Mysterious AltarNPC + Location: Romina, Ustiur Base Camp
Reward: access to 2F of Skull Dungeon
Difficulty:1. Talk to Romina
2. Hunt Skullic for 100 Bones of Sarira
3. Talk to the Altar at the end of F1 of Skull Dungeon
Quest: The 2nd AltarNPC + Location: altar at 2F of Skull Dungeon
Difficulty:1. Talk to the Altar at 2F of Skull Dungeon
2. Collect 150 Bone items
3. Talk to the altar to complete the quest
Quest: Monotoro NPC + Location: altar at 2F of Skull Dungeon
Reward: EXP Card and Access to 3F Skull Dungeon
Difficulty:1. Complete the above quest
2. In the instance aid de 2 NPC’s in kulling the ‘Boss’
3. Talk to Grandice to complete the quest
Quest: Getting RominaNPC + Location: altar at 2F of Skull Dungeon
Reward: Access to area 4 of utsir and Romina Card
Difficulty:1. Defeat a "Spinosarus" at Utsir, Zona Cuantro to obtain a Spino's Skull
(You need to defeat the Frozen Megalosaurus to access area 4 of utsir)
2. Talk to Romina
3. Fight Romina
4. Receive Romina’s Character Card
Total Stat Points: 340
Str: 70
Agi: 60
Con: 90
Dex: 50
Int: 30
Cha: 40
Starting Level: 60
Location: Ustiur Base Camp
Armor: Metal, Leather (Fighter)
Personal Skill: Provoke
None: Bareknuckle
Greatsword : Plow Guard, Tail Guard, Roof Guard
Greatsword "Veteran": Sidewinder
Greatsword "Expert": Hanging Guard
How to get Grandice : Suggested level - 60Prerequisite : Romina Quest Line
Taken From gilliam Guide:
Grandice CardPre Req : Compelet the Ustir Quest untill after you Defeat Romina (get her card).
1. Talk to Grandice
2. Travel to Zone Curtuos (4)
3. Turn left at the entrance of Zone 4, Turn left and walk all the way up a cliff overlooking a waterfall. There is a Rock with [...] walk around it and return and talk to Grandice.
2. Get a "Necromancer Ring", which drops from the raid boss Necromancer (Very Rare Drop) in Lv4 Of Skullic Dungeon.
3. Get a Key to the "Room of the Dead", which is dropped by Thora, and some other mobs (Both Rare Drops).
4. Talk to Grandice to fight her
5. Talk to Grandice to complete the quest
Note: The actual fight with Grandma is easy, but getting the ring before that is not. It is a lot of "small chances" multiplied together, so do not have unrealistic expectations. Some people can repeat the raid dozens of times without getting the ring. Since v2.6.5, there is a chance to get the Ring of Viscount from the Jormongand's Nest (Garim's Nest) raid in Vegas Javier as well.
F. Port of Gigante (Port of Bahia)Character
Feng Ling
Total Stat Points: 300
Str: 60
Agi: 80
Con: 50
Dex: 50
Int: 30
Cha: 30
Starting Level: 1
Location: Port of Gigante (Port of Bahia)
Armor: Leather (Fighter), Leather (Scout)
Personal Skill: Spirit of Ice
None: Bareknuckle (special)
Knuckle: Book of Earth
Gaiter: Book of Wind
Knuckle/Gaiter: Book of Ice
Knuckle + Gaiter "Expert": Master's Martial Arts
Note: Note that the stancebook "Masters Martial Art" can be used by an Expert character (and hence the classification under Expert), but it is not tradable, and the quest to unlock Gertrude's shop requires a Master level Martial Artist (any one of them, including Soho the Wind, will do), so in practice, it is a Master level stance. How to get Soso (Feng Ling): Suggested level - AnyTaken and Credited From Dem Blog:Prerequisite :
none- Travel by ship to Port of Gigante from Port of Coimbra.
- Talk to Soso (at H10) and select the option to fight at the end to start an easy instanced mission involving combat with a lvl1 Soso.
- Talk to Soso again and give her 50 Mystery Powders to receive Soso Character Card.
G. Dr Torche's Mansion Characters
Catherine The Summoner
Total Stat Points: 330
Str: 50
Agi: 50
Con: 50
Dex: 50
Int: 50
Cha: 80
Starting Level: 1
Location: Dr Torche's Mansion
Armor: Leather (Generic), Robe, Coat (Wizard)
Personal Skill: Release Summon
(Controller): Marionette How to get Catherine The Summoner: Suggested level - Lvl 60+
Taken and Credited From Dem Blog:Objective : Catherine The Summoner /Catherine of Dexterity / Catherine of Intelligence / Catherine of Strength Character Card
Prerequisite : character lvl57

- Go to E3 of Dr. Torsche's Mansion, Reception Hall and click on the door to start an instanced mission involving combat. Defeat the Victor inside to proceed.
- Talk to Roseanne and ask for directions to the Grand Library to receive a farming quest. Hunt Sasha, Llyod, and Walter in the Reception Hall to collect the 200 quest items required.
- Return to Roseanne.
- Go to the Butler's Room in Dr. Torsche's Mansion, Grand Library, and talk to Kamen.
- Talk to Roseanna to receive another farming quest. Hunt Helena, Haunted Book, and Haunted Desk in the Grand Library to receive the various quest items required.
- Return to Roseanne.
- Talk to Kamen.
- Go to I10 of the Reception Hall and click on the painting on the wall to receive the Red Ribbon. This step can be done anytime, even before the completion of previous steps.
- Return to Kamen and ask for directions to the Laboratory.
- Go to F4 of the Grand Library and click on the door to start an instanced mission. There are some mobs inside, but it is not necessary to fight them. Mission is accomplished once the timer runs out.
- Talk to Dr. Torsche and go through all the dialogue options to receive a new quest.
- Talk to Kamen and ask him about Catherine to receive the required quest item.
- Return to Dr. Torsche to start an instanced mission. Talk to Dr. Torsche inside the mission and watch some e-drama.
- Talk to Dr. Torsche again to receive another quest.
- Talk to Kamen to receive the required quest item.
- Return to Dr. Torsche to receive the final quest to assemble Catherine.
- Collect all of Catherine's parts from various mobs in Dr. Torsche Mansion. Specific parts are dropped by specific mob.
- Llyod - Left Arm, Left Hand, Pelvis
- Sasha - Left Foot, Left Leg
- Walter - Right Arm, Right Hand, Heart
- Helena - Right Foot, Right Leg, Chest
- Hollow Footman Captain, Victor, Forgotten Victor - Pelvis
- various - Refined Quartz (optional)
- Return to Dr. Torsche once all parts are collected. To recruit Catherine of Strength/Dexterity/Intelligence, choose to insert the Heart and tune Catherine to the corresponding stat. To recruit the summoner Catherine, choose to insert a Refined Quartz instead of the Heart. The option to insert Refined Quartz will only show up if at least one piece of Refined Quartz is present in the inventory.
Catherine of Dexterity
Total Stat Points: 330
Str: 50
Agi: 50
Con: 50
Dex: 80
Int: 50
Cha: 50
Starting Level: 1
Location: Dr Torche's Mansion
Armor: Coat (Musk)
Personal Skill: None
None: Bareknuckle
Sword/Blunt (+Shield): Back Guard
Sword/Blunt (+Shield): High Guard
Sword + Sword : Hack and Slash
Rapier : Epee Garde, Sabre Garde
Rapier + Main- gauche: Main-gauch Garde
Sabre: Middle Guard
Sabre + Sabre : Twin Blade
Great Sword : Plow Guard, Tail Guard, Roof Guard
Polearm : Blandir Cruz, Penetrar Cruz
Dagger : Escrima
Dagger + Dagger: Dobalada Corte
Sword/Sabre + Pistol : Heaven or Hell
Pistol: Aiming Shot, Freestyle Shot
Pistol + Pistol: Double-Gun Shot
Rifle/Bayonet: Standing Shot, Kneeling Shot
Shotgun: Shotgun Blaster
Fire Bracelet/LOE Bracelet: Possession Fire
Fire Bracelet + Fire/Skullic Bracelet: Evocation Fire
Ice Bracelet/LOE Bracelet: Possession Ice
Ice Bracelet + Fire/Skullic Bracelet: Evocation Ice
Lightning Bracelet/LOE Bracelet: Possession Lightning
Lightning Bracelet + Lightning/Skullic Bracelet: Evocation Lightning
LOE Bracelet : Lord of Element
Rod/Staff/Special Rod: Psychokinesis
Rod/Special Rod: ESP
Staff/Special Rod: Illusionist
How to get Catherine of Dexterity: Suggested level - Lvl 60+
Look at the Catherine the Summoner Quest Guide |
Catherine of Intelligence
Total Stat Points: 330
Str: 50
Agi: 50
Con: 50
Dex: 50
Int: 80
Cha: 50
Starting Level: 1
Location: Dr Torche's Mansion
Armor: Robe
Personal Skill: None
None: Bareknuckle
Sword/Blunt (+Shield): Back Guard
Sword/Blunt (+Shield): High Guard
Sword + Sword : Hack and Slash
Rapier : Epee Garde, Sabre Garde
Rapier + Main- gauche: Main-gauch Garde
Sabre: Middle Guard
Sabre + Sabre : Twin Blade
Great Sword : Plow Guard, Tail Guard, Roof Guard
Polearm : Blandir Cruz, Penetrar Cruz
Dagger : Escrima
Dagger + Dagger: Dobalada Corte
Sword/Sabre + Pistol : Heaven or Hell
Pistol: Aiming Shot, Freestyle Shot
Pistol + Pistol: Double-Gun Shot
Rifle/Bayonet: Standing Shot, Kneeling Shot
Shotgun: Shotgun Blaster
Fire Bracelet/LOE Bracelet: Possession Fire
Fire Bracelet + Fire/Skullic Bracelet: Evocation Fire
Ice Bracelet/LOE Bracelet: Possession Ice
Ice Bracelet + Fire/Skullic Bracelet: Evocation Ice
Lightning Bracelet/LOE Bracelet: Possession Lightning
Lightning Bracelet + Lightning/Skullic Bracelet: Evocation Lightning
LOE Bracelet : Lord of Element
Rod/Staff/Special Rod: Psychokinesis
Rod/Special Rod: ESP
Staff/Special Rod: Illusionist
How to get Catherine of Inteligence: Suggested level - Lvl 60+
Look at the Catherine the Summoner Quest Guide |
Catherine of Strength
Total Stat Points: 330
Str: 80
Agi: 50
Con: 50
Dex: 50
Int: 50
Cha: 50
Starting Level: 1
Location: Dr Torche's Mansion
Armor: Leather (Fighter)
Personal Skill: None
None: Bareknuckle
Sword/Blunt (+Shield): Back Guard
Sword/Blunt (+Shield): High Guard
Sword + Sword : Hack and Slash
Rapier : Epee Garde, Sabre Garde
Rapier + Main- gauche: Main-gauch Garde
Sabre: Middle Guard
Sabre + Sabre : Twin Blade
Great Sword : Plow Guard, Tail Guard, Roof Guard
Polearm : Blandir Cruz, Penetrar Cruz
Dagger : Escrima
Dagger + Dagger: Dobalada Corte
Sword/Sabre + Pistol : Heaven or Hell
Pistol: Aiming Shot, Freestyle Shot
Pistol + Pistol: Double-Gun Shot
Rifle/Bayonet: Standing Shot, Kneeling Shot
Shotgun: Shotgun Blaster
Fire Bracelet/LOE Bracelet: Possession Fire
Fire Bracelet + Fire/Skullic Bracelet: Evocation Fire
Ice Bracelet/LOE Bracelet: Possession Ice
Ice Bracelet + Fire/Skullic Bracelet: Evocation Ice
Lightning Bracelet/LOE Bracelet: Possession Lightning
Lightning Bracelet + Lightning/Skullic Bracelet: Evocation Lightning
LOE Bracelet : Lord of Element
Rod/Staff/Special Rod: Psychokinesis
Rod/Special Rod: ESP
Staff/Special Rod: Illusionist
How to get Catherine of Strength: Suggested level - Lvl 60+
Look at the Catherine the Summoner Quest Guide |
H. Los Toldos Characters
Edward Jameson
Total Stat Points: 330
Str: 70
Agi: 70
Con: 60
Dex: 50
Int: 30
Cha: 50
Starting Level: 60
Location: Lost Toldos
Armor: Leather (Fighter)
Personal Skill: Summon White Grim Reaper
None: Bareknuckle
Rapier: Epee Garde of Grim
Rapier + Main- gauche: Main-gauch Garde of Grim
Rapier + Pistol: Advance Garde of Grim
Rapier + Rapier "Expert": Rapiere of Grim
Sabre: Grim Guard
Sabre + Pistol : Heaven or Hell of Grim
How to get Eduardo Heungy "aka Eduardo Hingis, Eduardo Jameson": Suggested level - VeteranTaken and Credited From Dem Blog: Objective : Eduardo Character Card
Prerequisite : activated Baron Mode (by PK-ing other players) or activated Otite Perfume (from Cash Shop), equipped Wheel of Destiny back costume (both permanent and temporary versions will work), Veteran recommended
- Activate Baron Mode and relog to enter Los Toldos. Alternatively, activate Otite Perfume and talk to Mamon at F3 of Porto Bello Deserted Quay to enter Los Toldos.
- Equip the Wheel of Destiny. (The quest NPCs and triggers will only respond to the character wearing the Wheel.)
- Go into the shipwreck and talk to Kurt.
- Talk to the Gloomy Old Man to enter the Land of Dead. 1 Mystery Powder is required per entry.
- Hunt 10 Cursed Undead Gunmen and 10 Cursed Undead Soldier.
- Return to Kurt to start instanced mission involving combat with Kurt. Kurt is invincible in this mission. Talk to Kurt again.
- Go to E3 of the Land of Dead and click on the tombstone to enter Eduardo's Hideaway.
- Talk to Eduardo to start instanced mission involving combat. Talk to Eduardo again.
- Return to Kurt.
- Go to G9 of the Land of Dead and defeat the Mulleto Chief. (This is the mini-boss of the area with regular respawn time of 20 minutes or so.)
- Return to Kurt.
- Click on box beside Kurt.
- Go the G7 of the Land of Dead and click on the barrel, the firewood, and the box in the vicinity to receive the quest items.
- Return to Kurt to receive some Invisible Potions as well as the next quest.
- Go to B6 of the Land of Dead. Enter Invisible Mode either by consuming an Invisible Potion or by using the Invisible Stalker skill. (Only the leader needs to be invisible.) Walk over the center of the village to trigger an instanced mission involving combat. Within the mission, defeat Montoro.
- Return ot Kurt to receive more Invisible Potions as well as the next quest.
- Return to B6 of the Land of Dead, enter Invisible Mode, and walk over the center of the village again to trigger another instanced mission involving combat. Within the mission, help defeat Montoro.
- Return to Kurt.
- Collect 10 Pure Otites. To obtain Pure Otite, talk to the Gloomy Old Man to receive the Cursed Undead quest and enter the Land of Dead to hunt 100 Cursed Undeads. Return to the Gloomy Old Man to receive a random number of 1 or 2 Pure Otites as reward.
- Return to Kurt with the 10 Pure Otites.
- Go to Eduardo.
- Return to Kurt.
- Go to G7 of the Land of Dead and walk over the center of platform to start a non-combat instanced mission.
- Decide on who to recruit.
- To recruit Eduardo, go to Eduardo's hideaway and talk to him to accept his offer. Go to Kurt to start an instanced mission involving combat with Kurt. Return to Eduardo and give him 70 Mystery Powders to receive Eduardo Character Card.
Once the offer from either NPC is accepted, the chance to recruit the other NPC is forfeited forever. Choose wisely.
Kurt LyndonTotal Stat Points: 330
Str: 70
Agi: 70
Con: 60
Dex: 50
Int: 30
Cha: 50
Starting Level: 60
Location: Lost Toldos
Armor: Leather (Fighter)
Personal Skill: Summon Black Grim Reaper
None: Bareknuckle
Rapier: Epee Garde of Grim
Rapier + Main- gauche: Main-gauch Garde of Grim
Rapier + Pistol: Advance Garde of Grim
Rapier + Rapier "Expert": Rapiere of Grim
Sabre: Grim Guard
Sabre + Pistol : Heaven or Hell of Grim
How to get Kurt Linden "aka Kurt Lyndon": Suggested level - VeteranTaken and Credited From Dem Blog:Objective : Kurt Character Card
Prerequisite : activated Baron Mode (by PK-ing other players) or activated Otite Perfume (from Cash Shop), equipped Wheel of Destiny back costume (both permanent and temporary versions will work), Veteran recommended
- Activate Baron Mode and relog to enter Los Toldos. Alternatively, activate Otite Perfume and talk to Mamon at F3 of Porto Bello Deserted Quay to enter Los Toldos.
- Equip the Wheel of Destiny. (The quest NPCs and triggers will only respond to the character wearing the Wheel.)
- Go into the shipwreck and talk to Kurt.
- Talk to the Gloomy Old Man to enter the Land of Dead. 1 Mystery Powder is required per entry.
- Hunt 10 Cursed Undead Gunmen and 10 Cursed Undead Soldier.
- Return to Kurt to start instanced mission involving combat with Kurt. Kurt is invincible in this mission. Talk to Kurt again.
- Go to E3 of the Land of Dead and click on the tombstone to enter Eduardo's Hideaway.
- Talk to Eduardo to start instanced mission involving combat. Talk to Eduardo again.
- Return to Kurt.
- Go to G9 of the Land of Dead and defeat the Mulleto Chief. (This is the mini-boss of the area with regular respawn time of 20 minutes or so.)
- Return to Kurt.
- Click on box beside Kurt.
- Go the G7 of the Land of Dead and click on the barrel, the firewood, and the box in the vicinity to receive the quest items.
- Return to Kurt to receive some Invisible Potions as well as the next quest.
- Go to B6 of the Land of Dead. Enter Invisible Mode either by consuming an Invisible Potion or by using the Invisible Stalker skill. (Only the leader needs to be invisible.) Walk over the center of the village to trigger an instanced mission involving combat. Within the mission, defeat Montoro.
- Return ot Kurt to receive more Invisible Potions as well as the next quest.
- Return to B6 of the Land of Dead, enter Invisible Mode, and walk over the center of the village again to trigger another instanced mission involving combat. Within the mission, help defeat Montoro.
- Return to Kurt.
- Collect 10 Pure Otites. To obtain Pure Otite, talk to the Gloomy Old Man to receive the Cursed Undead quest and enter the Land of Dead to hunt 100 Cursed Undeads. Return to the Gloomy Old Man to receive a random number of 1 or 2 Pure Otites as reward.
- Return to Kurt with the 10 Pure Otites.
- Go to Eduardo.
- Return to Kurt.
- Go to G7 of the Land of Dead and walk over the center of platform to start a non-combat instanced mission.
- Decide on who to recruit.
- To recruit Kurt, return to the Kurt's shipwreck in Los Toldos and talk to him to accept his offer. Go to Eduardo to start an instanced mission involving combat with Eduardo. Return to Kurt and give him 70 Mystery Powders to receive Kurt Character Card.
Once the offer from either NPC is accepted, the chance to recruit the other NPC is forfeited forever. Choose wisely.
I. Errac (Zeia) Characters
Total Stat Points: 300
Str: 80
Agi: 50
Con: 70
Dex: 30
Int: 30
Cha: 40
Starting Level: 60
Location: Errac (Zeia)
Armor: Leather (Fighter)
Personal Skill: None
None: Bareknuckle
Blunt: Back Guard
Blunt + Blunt : Combatant
Note: Combatant is Expert stance but usable at lvl 60Crescent "Expert": Semilunar
How to get Nar: Suggested level - Expert
Taken and Credited From Dem Blog:Exploring the CulvertsObjective : Culverts Key
Prerequisite : completed Bahamar quest quest line
- Go into the Reboldoeux Culverts. The entrance is at D2 of Queen's Gate.
- Follow the paths to the sealed gate and click on it.
- Go to Port of Coimbra and talk to Emilia.
- Return to the Culverts and hunt Ogre Plunderers for the required 10 quest items.
- Return to Emilia.
- Go to Cite de Reboldoeux and talk to Brunie to receive the key.
The Captain of ErracObjective : prerequisite quest
Prerequisite : Chancellor of server must have completed the special one-time Escort quest in the culverts to unlock the way to Errac for the rest of the server
This is a continuation of the previous quest-line.- Go into the Culverts and follow the paths all the way past the now opened sealed gate and head into Errac.
- Talk to the Entrance Guard.
- Go to F3 of Errac and talk to the Captain to accept his request.
- Collect 50 Rhodolite Pieces. These are common drops from the Kobolds and Werewolves outside Errac in the Land of Day & Night.
- Return to the Captain.
Queen of the New CivilisationObjective : prerequisite quest
Prerequisite :
none This is a continuation of the previous quest-line.- Talk to Queen Hamaan.
- Talk to the Entrance Guard.
- Buy an Elemental Jewel. It is available from the Item Dealer in any of the major cities for 10,000,000 vis.
- Return to the Entrance Guard.
- Talk to Hamaan.
Rescue Errac / Rescue AniaObjective : prerequisite quest
Prerequisite :
none This is a continuation of the previous quest-line.- Talk to Nar to start an instanced mission involving combat. He is just at the bottom of stairs. Within the mission, kill all mobs as quickly as possible to prevent Nar from dying, and stay alive for the duration of the mission to proceed.
- Talk to Nar again to start another instanced mission involving combat. Within the mission, rush onto the platform and kill all mobs before they kill Ania.
- Talk to Nar.
Confidence RecoveryObjective : Nar Character Card
Prerequisite :
none This is a continuation of the previous quest-line.- Go to Port of Coimbra and talk to Emilia.
- Return to Errac and talk to the Captain.
- Hunt the required mobs:-
- 50 Kobold Crutches in Land of Day, and
- 10 Kobold Elders in Occulta Dungeon.
The entrance to Occulta Dungeon is located at E/F9 of Land of Day & Night. 5 Ancient Runes of Ti are needed if the dungeon is to be entered from the Land of Day and 5 Ancient Runes of Te are needed if the dungeon is to be entered from the Land of Night. These runes are rare item drops from all mobs in Land of Day & Night (but more commonly from werebears). - Return to the Captain.
- Talk to Nar to receive Nar Character Card.
Total Stat Points: 320
Str: 60
Agi: 80
Con: 60
Dex: 60
Int: 30
Cha: 30
Starting Level: 60
Location: Errac (Zeia)
Armor: Leather (Fighter)
Personal Skill: None
Stances: (Tonfa): Bareknuckle
Blunt: Back Guard
Blunt + Blunt : Combatant
Note: Combatant is Expert stance but usable at lvl 60Tonfa + Tonfa"Expert": Gorgeous
How to get Ania: Suggested level - Expert
Taken and Credited From Dem Blog:Objective : AniaCharacter Card
Prerequisite : talked to Queen Hamaan using Emilia/Emilia the Sage, triggered Arsene Circus main-quest
- Talk to Ania.
- Go to D2 of Cite de Reboldoeux and talk to the Burgundy Palace Guard to start an instanced mission involving combat.
- Within the mission, defeat Louis Arsene the 3rd. Nar and Ania will be present for assistance. Louis is lvl115 and has 59AR. He will summon his companions into combat when his hitpoints fall to 75%, 50%, and 25%. Killing all his sidekicks as soon as possible is advised. Louis has several debuff attacks, including one that prevents item consumption for a long time, so be prepared. (Nar and Ania have plenty of hitpoints in this mission, so they can help with tanking Louis. It is unlikely for them to die, but accidents do happen, and if either of them does die, the mission will fail.) (For the story buffs out there, Calyce will have some special things to say if you bring her along for this mission.)
- Talk to Ania to receive Ania Character Card.
J. Katovic Snowfield Characters
Gavin JamesonTotal Stat Points: 300
Str: 60
Agi: 50
Con: 60
Dex: 70
Int: 30
Cha: 30
Starting Level: 60
Location: Katovic Snowfield
Armor: Leather (Fighter)
Personal Skill: None
None: Bareknuckle
Rapier : Epee Garde, Sabre Garde
Rapier + Pistol "Veteran": Advance Garde
Rapier + Rapier "Expert": Rapiere
Pistol : Aiming Shot, Freestyle Shot
Pistol + Pistol : Double-Gun Shot
Pistol + Pistol : Outrage Shot
How to get Gavin: Suggested level - Veteran
Taken and Credited From Dem Blog:Prerequisite : completion of main pioneering quest up to
the Ten Nobles of Vespanola (Bahamar main quest), completion of
Katovic quest (optional, but recommended for access to Katovic Soup and Ice Wizard Tower)
- Go to City of Auch and talk to Elanore to start an instanced mission. Within the mission, destroy the colonies to proceed.
- Talk to Elanore again.
- Enter Villa de Libertad and talk to Simon.

- Go to F2 of Ferrucio Wall and walk over the trigger spot to start an instanced mission. Within the mission, kill the Snowstorm Apparation and talk to the NPCs.
- Go to Frozen Plain and talk to Invierno to receive 10 Ghost Nuclei. (They are in the Misc section of your normal item inventory. They are precious, do not lose them.)
- Collect 50 Metamorphosis Stones (Philosopher's Stones), 50 Ice Crystals, and 10 Cursed Crystals. The Metamorphosis Stone and the Ice Crystal are common item drops in the Katovic region. The Cursed Crystal is a quest item. To receive the Cursed Crystal, drag 1 Ghost Nucleus from your inventory and drop it into any one of the Rynn's Hearts in the cave nearby to summon a special Snowstorm Apparition. Kill the apparition to receive 1 Cursed Crystal. Repeat the process to receive the rest of the 10 Cursed Crystals. This can be done in squad. DO NOT insert more than 1 Ghost Nucleus at a time.
- Talk to Invierno to start an instanced mission. Within mission, defeat Montoro and the rest of the mobs and talk to the NPCs after that.
- Talk to Invierno to receive the Necklace of Sage. This is temporary necklace that grants the wearer 3 AR and 3 DR bonus. It last 3 days once activated. (It is not a must to use this item for the quest, so use it only if necessary.)
- Go into the Ice Wizard Tower and walk a few steps in to start an instanced mission involving combat. Within the mission, move a few steps forward to receive a special buff that grants 5 AR and 5 DR bonus, and proceed to defeat Novia and company. Novia is lvl130 with 67 AR/DR in this mission. She is weak to Lightning, but can be defeated by any character combination with the right strategy. There is quite a bit of drama after her hitpoints are reduced to 50%, and the mission will fail if time runs out of time before the NPCs finish talking, so try to finish the quest with as much time left as possible.
- Return to Invierno.
- Collect 10 Metamorphosis Stones (aka Philosopher's Stones) and 1 Katovic Soup. Metamorphosis Stone is a common item drop in the Katovic Region. Katovic Soup is a normal consumable item that can be obtained by using Invierno's cooking pot. To cook the soup, you need to complete the Katovic quest line to gain access to Invierno's cooking pot, as well as to collect another 20 Golden Apples (from Eltetah trees in Katovic Snowfield and Frozen Plain), 50 Wolf Meat (from Wolves in Katovic Snowfield), 50 Beet (from Gorillas in Frozen Plain), and 50 Cabbages (from Lazim Lams in Katovic Snowfield). (Katovic Soup is/was also available from Adelina's Booty Search in sGE.)
- Talk to Invierno.
- Return to Simon to receive Garcia Character Card.
K. Tierra de Amor Characters
Selva Norte
Total Stat Points: 320
Str: 70
Agi: 70
Con: 50
Dex: 50
Int: 50
Cha: 30
Starting Level: 60
Location: Tiera de Amor
Armor: Leather (Fighter)
Personal Skill: Destino
None: Bareknuckle
Rapier (+ Selva's Armshield): Epee Garde
Rapier (+ Selva's Armshield) "Veteran" : Cauchemar
Sword (+ Selva's Armshield): Back Guard
Sword + Selva's Armshield: High Guard
Sword + Selva's Armshield "Veteran": Rapida Espada
How to get Selva: Suggested level - Veteran
Taken and Credited From Dem Blog:Objective : Selva Character Card, Cauchemar Stance Book, and Rapida Espada Stance Book
Prerequisite : completion of main pioneering quest up to Chaos Requiem, completion of Katovic Quest
(optional, but recommended for access to Katovic Soup) - Go to City of Auch and talk to the pioneering officer Elanore.
- Collect 2 Symbols of Brave Warrior (Hero's Seals) and return to Elanore. The Symbols are untradeable item-drops from raid bosses in Poison Yard, Secret Temple, and Battle Colosseum. (The lower tier Superfights drop Ancient Symbols which can be exchanged for the real Symbols as well.)
- Go to Port of Coimbra and talk to Nunez.
- Go to Gehenna Bridge, the last level of Prision de Jaquin, and talk to the Gatekeeper to open the entrance to Corridor of Assize. You need a Key to Corridor of Assize to do so. The key is a rare item drop from bosses in all levels of Prision de Jaquin and from Bellem Boxes.
- Enter the Corridor of Assize, kill the Chrysalis, and the subsequent Dr. Fran. The Corridor of Assize is a non-instanced raid, and the Chrysalis can take several hours to spawn depending on when the previous Chrysalis was killed.
- Return to Nunez.
- Go to Katovic Snowfield and talk to Ludeza. You will receive a Ghost Nucleus.
- Go to Frozen Plain. Drag 1 Ghost Nucleus from inventory and drop it into Rynn's Heart. The purpose is to summon a lvl110 quest version of an Avalanche Apparation. It can take several attempts before the Apparation is successfully summoned, so keep inserting the Ghost Nuclei one by one until it appears. Should you run out of Ghost Nuclei, you can exchange for more from Ludeza at the cost of 20 Wolf Meat and 10 Elviot's Leather each. Wolf Meat is a common item drop from Artic Wolves in Katovic Snowfield. Elviot's Leather is a common item drop from Elviot in Frozen Plain.
- Kill the Avalanche Apparation.
- When the Avalanche Apparition is dead, Montoro will appear near the entrance of the cave of Rynn's Heart. Kill him as well.
- Return to Ludeza.
- Go to Frozen Plain and talk to Invierno to start an instanced mission involving combat. Within the mission, defeat Selva to proceed.
- Talk to Invierno again.
- Go to the Laboratory in Dr. Torsche Mansion and talk to Dr. Torsche.
- Click on the bookshelf along the southern wall of the Laboratory to start an instanced mission. Inside the mission, click on the statue to get the next quest. You can leave the area once you get the quest.
- Go to Frozen Plain and talk to Invierno.
- Collect 10 Metamorphosis Stones (aka Philosopher's Stones) and 1 Katovic Soup. Metamorphosis Stone is a common item drop in the Katovic Region. Katovic Soup is a normal consumable item that can be obtained by using Invierno's cooking pot. To cook the soup, you need to complete the Katovic quest line to gain access to Invierno's cooking pot, as well as to collect another 20 Golden Apples (from Eltetah trees in Katovic Snowfield and Frozen Plain), 50 Wolf Meat (from Wolves in Katovic Snowfield), 50 Beet (from Gorillas in Frozen Plain), and 50 Cabbages (from Lazim Lams in Katovic Snowfield). (Katovic Soup is/was also available from Adelina's Booty Search in sGE.)
- Talk to Invierno again.
- Return to Dr. Torsche's Mansion and reenter the instanced mission with the statue. Click on the statue again to start an easy combat.
- Talk to Dr. Torsche to receive Selva Character Card, Cauchemar Stance Book, Rapida Espada Stance Book, and Recipe - Selva's Armshield.
- Return to Elanore to complete the quest.
L. El Tejado Verde Characters
Total Stat Points: 280
Str: 40
Agi: 50
Con: 40
Dex: 50
Int: 50
Cha: 50
Starting Level: 40
Location: Cash Shop
Armor: Leather Armor(Scout)
Personal Skill: Healing
Stances: None: First Aid, Fortitudo
None "Veteran": Tactical Assistance
Caliburn: Amicus, Cactis
How to get Viki: Taken and Credited From Dem Blog: The quest can be completed on any day, but it can only be initiated on a Wednesday.- Go to G3, El Tejado Verde, and enter Arnest's Hut.
- Talk to Dr. Torsche. Dr. Torsche will only appear inside Wicky's Hut on Wednesdays. If he is not there, then it is not Wednesday.
- Talk to Wicky and offer to help him.
- Go to Cite de Reboldoeux and talk to any child NPC. Go through all the dialog options to receive two new quests.
- For the first quest, talk to Yeganeh (Diego) at Cite de Reboldoeux, then hunt the following creatures for the required quest items:
- Wild Boars in Cathari Falls,
- Crate Octopi in Jezebel Glen, and
- Phobitan Warriors in Tetra Great Ruins and Tetra Hills.
Drop rates are not 100%. Return to Yeganeh once everything is collected to complete this part of the quest. - For the second quest, first talk to Lisa at Port of Coimbra, then bring 300 Cabosse to the Cabosse Merchant, and finally return to Lisa and pay 10,000 Vis to complete this part of the quest. Cabosse is a common and normal item drop from any phobitan type mob found in the region of Tetra.
- Return to Wicky to start an instanced mission involving combat with some lvl60 mob and boss.
- Kill everything in the mission, then talk to everyone (including the Ararat) at the end.
- Talk to Wicky.
- Talk to Ulrik, then hunt the following creatures for the required quest items:
- Hornets in Ferrucio Stone Pit,
- Larval Dragonwasps in Ferrucio Junction, and
- Little Comodos in Cathari Falls.
Return to Ulrik once everything is collected to complete this part of the quest. - Talk to Ulrik again, then hunt the following creatures for the required quest items:
- Striped Spiders in El Tejado Verde,
- Little Plaque Rouges in Tetra Hill, and
- Corlien Slashers in El Lago de Tres Hermanas.
Return to Ulrik once everything is collected to complete this part of the quest. - Talk to Ulrik again. There are two parts to the next task:
- Go to Pradera de Ceniza and hunt the mini-boss Violent Gehco for the quest item. The boss respawns at random locations every 20 minutes or so, but the quest item is a rare drop.
- Go to the Laboratory in Dr. Torsche Mansion and talk to Dr. Torsche. (Not the Dr. Torsche in Arnest's Hut.) Collect the following items:
- 100 Otite Pieces,
- 20 Neverseen Clocks,
- 20 Neverseen Gears,
- 20 Neverseen Hinges,
- 20 Neverseen Springs, and
- 20 Neverseen Tubes.
Return to Dr. Torsche once all the required materials are ready to complete this part of the quest.
Return to Ulrik once both parts are done. - Talk to Wicky to start an instanced mission involving combat.
- Talk to Ulrik to receive Wicky Character Card, Amicus Stance Book, and a lvl16 Old Wood Pendant.
M. Cash Shop Characters
Adelina The PirateTotal Stat Points: 340
Str: 60
Agi: 90
Con: 60
Dex: 60
Int: 30
Cha: 40
Starting Level: 44
Location: Cash Only
Armor: Leather Armor(Fighter)
Personal Skill: None
None: Bareknuckle
Sabre: Back Guard, Middle Guard
Sabre "Veteran": Low Guard
Sabre + Sabre: Twin Blades
Sabre + Pistol: Heaven or Hell
Pistol : Freestyle Shot
Pistol + Pistol: Double Gun Shot
How to get her:- Adelina the Pirate to "currently can only be bought from players with mercenary cards

Emilia the SageTotal Stat Points: 310
Str: 40
Agi: 50
Con: 40
Dex: 50
Int: 70
Cha: 60
Starting Level: 40
Location: Cash Shop
Armor: Coat (Wizard), Leather (Generic)
Personal Skill: Healing
Stances: None: Bareknuckle
(Rod/Special Rod): ESP, Levitation
(Rod "Veteran"): Incantation
Rod/Special Rod "Expert" : Power of Darkness
How to get her:
- Emilia the Sage currently can only be bought from players with mercenary cards
- Emilia the Sage only can be brought from Limited Edition Granado Espada boxset.
Idge ImbruliaTotal Stat Points: 310
Str: 60
Agi: 80
Con: 50
Dex: 60
Int: 30
Cha: 30
Starting Level: 40
Location: Cash Shop
Armor: Leather Armor(Fighter), Metal Armor
Personal Skill: None
Stances: None: Bareknuckle
Sword (+Shield): Back Guard
Sword +Shield: High Guard
Sword +Sword: Hack and Slash
Greatsword: Plow Guard, Roof Guard, Tail Guard
Greatsword "Veteran": Sidewinder
Greatsword "Expert": Hanging Guard
Polearm: Blandir Cruz, Penetrar Cruz
Polearm "Veteran": Mighty Cruz
How to get her:- only get on the Cash shop
Panfilo de NarvaezTotal Stat Points: 330
Str: 70
Agi: 50
Con: 70
Dex: 40
Int: 60
Cha: 30
Starting Level: 40
Location: Cash Shop
Armor: Metal, Leather Armor(Fighter)
Personal Skill: None
None: Bareknuckle
Sword: Back Guard
Sabre : Middle Guard
Sabre "Veteran": Low Guard
Sabre/Sword + Fire Bracelet : Flaming Guard
Sword + Sword: Hack and Slash
How to get him:- only get on the Cash shop

Soho the Wind
Total Stat Points: 300
Str: 60
Agi: 70
Con: 50
Dex: 60
Int: 30
Cha: 30
Starting Level: 40
Location: Cash Shop
Armor: Leather (Fighter), Leather (Scout)
Personal Skill: Healing
Stances: None: Fortitudo
None "Veteran": Tactical Assistance
Dagger : Escrima
Dagger "Expert" : Arnis
(Knuckle) : Bareknuckle
Gaiter : Book of Wind
Gaiter "Expert" : Master' Martial Art
Note: Note that the stancebook "Masters Martial Art" can be used by an Expert character (and hence the classification under Expert), but it is not tradable, and the quest to unlock Gertrude's shop requires a Master level Martial Artist (any one of them, including Soho the Wind, will do), so in practice, it is a Master level stance.How to get him:- Soho the Wind currently can only be bought from players with mercenary cards
2. Dem's Blog Glossary and Other RNPC Guide found in the forum
~Stock Characters and RNPC~Stock CharactersRecruitable NPCs Cite de ReboldoeuxPort of CoimbraCity of AuchUstiur Base CampPort of Gigante (Port of Bahia)Los ToldosErrac (Zeia)Other LocationsCash~Stock Characters and RNPC Guide found in the forum~Other RNPC Guides Quote:
Taken from Guide Directory |
- Guide: FAQs on Catherine the Summoner a.k.a Marionette: a guide on understanding Catherine the Summoner
- Guide on Recruiting Claire: a guide on Recruiting and understanding Claire
- Romina mini guide/ intro!: a guide on understanding Romina
- Jack Exposed: a guide on understanding Jack
- All about Irawan, an In-Depth guide: a guide on understanding Irawan
- Guide:New RNPCs v2.4,v2.5 (Warning:High Spoiler): a guide about the rnpc on v2.4 to v2.5
- Spoiler Guide for RNPCs v2.6, v3.0: a guide about the rnpc on v2.6 to v3.0
- Guides to Selva Norte: info about selva norte
- Guide to Katovic Snowfield Quests: a guide for questing Katovic Snowfield
- Black/White Baron Quest Guide Compilation.: a guide on recruiting Black or white baron
- Full quest & rnpc guide contain all known quest in ge ^^
- Mamund Guide for the Hunters a guide on getting a mamund for viki quest
- Need info on Chaos Requiem quests a guide compiled the Chaos Requiem quests
- Some Information on the Reboldoeux Culvert: some info on rebleduex culvert
- Zeia Quest (xBayushi's version): Actually, I finished the quest using the guide made by Souken and the reason why I am re-posting it here ir to avoid some confusion while having the journey/quest to get Nar. If so happens that Souken reads this, please accept this as my warmest appreciation for your guide
- VERSION 3.3 new rnpc spoiler ^^: ok here is a new rnpc I just discovered while surfing the net If i remeber correctly she is the one with the circus in version 3.3 enjoy ^^
- Getting Ania: How to recruit ania
- Getting Hellena: How to recruit
- Room Of The Dead Secret Technique!: this thread is to help all those who covet Grandice but never got the chance to make "frenzied ravyn" out in room of the dead
- Guide : Chaos Requiem Quest: Most of the information here are from KingdomLight's Guide.. I just did some
revisions from it, to make it easier for other pioneers doing the quest. So here it goes.. 
- Starting Team Guide: made this little guide to help our new "family members" in choosing their team.

- Guide: Elementalist: a guide on Elementalist ^^
- How to activate Auto-Heal!: a guide on How activate a scout auto heal
- Guide: Scout: a guide on Scout
- [Guide] Ania's Quest - Defeating Louis Arsene the Third: First off I claim no credit in coming up with the strategy that is placed here in this guide, please look at the other thread for the full discussion. Secondly, I merely wish to help players who may find it difficult to complete this quest or be confounded by the way they keep failing 3 seconds into the actual combat situation. I only mean to bring to you a strategy which has worked for me, at veteran level 1, which I hope will make it easier for others to complete the quest using their own characters, whether at veteran or expert level.