Monday, October 13, 2008

[Guide]Updated Full Boss Info

Full Boss Info

Read this link before you read this Raid boss and map boss stats with pics.

  1. Introduction
  2. Pointer
  3. Boss
  4. Faqs
  5. Credits
1. Introduction
Hello I’m KUSABIREIKA. I’ve noticed that the old thread on how to be rich needs some update so I gathered some info. Since
Peacesprite doesn't update much I hope this guide will help newcomers and experienced players. Suggestions and help are greatly appreciated meow meow ^ ^V

Pointers ^^V:
  • --------Boss Name - Boss Raid
  • --------Boss Name - Boss UnRaidble yet
  • --------Boss Name - Easy Mini Boss
  • --------Boss Name- Tough Miniboss
  • --------Boss Name- Still Editing
  • --------Boss Name- Unknown Boss

1. Bosses

[quote]Race: Armor: Element: Size:[/quote]
Attack Rating: 9

Defense Rating: 9
LVL: 14
Hp: 11212
Attack: 116
Fire Resistance: 90
Ice Resistance: 50
Lighting Resistance: 50
Mental Resistance: 30

Name: Cebrera
Location: Al Quelt Moreza Nartex
Spawn Time: 15-21 minutes
  • Low lvl Equips
  • Mega talt
--------Nesthair Huganoid

[quote]Race: Armor: Element: Size:[/quote]Attack Rating: 10
Defense Rating: 10
LVL: 16
Hp: 8971
Attack: 171
Defense: 27
Fire Resistance: 30
Ice Resistance: 30
Lighting Resistance: 30
Mental Resistance: 30

Name: Nesthair Huganoid
Location: Al Quelt Moreza Parsonage
Spawn Time: 15-21 minutes
  • Low lvl Equips
  • Mega talt
  • Drop Al Quelt Moreza Fake Uni
--------Silkhat Huganoid

[quote]Race: Armor: Element: Size:[/quote]
Attack Rating: 11

Defense Rating: 11
LVL: 19Hp: 10665
Attack: 264
Defense: 29
Fire Resistance: 30
Ice Resistance: 30
Lighting Resistance: 30
Mental Resistance: 30

Name: Silkhat Huganoid
Location: Al Quelt Moreza Arcade
Spawn Time: 15-21 minutes
  • Low lvl Equips
  • Mega talt
--------Dilos Latemn

[quote]Race: Armor: Element: Size:[/quote]Attack Rating: 12
Defense Rating: 12
LVL: 20
Hp: 34,525
Attack: 120
Defense: 24
Fire Resistance: 90
Ice Resistance: -50
Lighting Resistance: 50
Mental Resistance: 40

Name: Dilos Latemn
  • Al Quelt Moreza Parsonage
  • Also found in Al Quelt Moreza hollow
  • Low lvl Equips
  • Mega talt
Need to Know:
  • he will appear when you killed a siegmund "Al Quelt Moreza Parsonage"
  • he also appear in "Al Quelt Moreza Hollow"
--------Phobitian Chieftian

[quote]Race: Armor: Element: Size:[/quote]
Attack Rating: 17

Defense Rating: 17
LVL: 31
Hp: 18,994
Attack: 458
Defense: 45
Fire Resistance: 90
Ice Resistance: -50
Lighting Resistance: 50
Mental Resistance: 30

Name: Phobitian Chieftain
Location: Tetra Grand Corridor
Spawn Time: 15-21 minutes
  • Low lvl Equips
  • Mega talt

[quote]Race: Armor: Element: Size:[/quote]Attack Rating: 18
Defense Rating: 18
LVL: 33
Fire Resistance:
Ice Resistance:
Lighting Resistance:
Mental Resistance:

Name: Pollux
Location: Tetra Grand Catacomb
Spawn Time: 15-21 minutes
  • Low lvl Equips
  • Mega talt
  • Drop Tetra Ruin Fake Uni

[quote]Race: Armor: Element: Size:[/quote]
Attack Rating: 19

Defense Rating: 19
LVL: 35
Fire Resistance:
Ice Resistance:
Lighting Resistance:
Mental Resistance:

Name: Castor
Location: Tetra Golden Road
Spawn Time: 15-21 minutes
  • Low lvl Equips
  • Mega talt
  • Drop Tetra Ruin Fake Uni
--------Escudero Pecher

[quote]Race: Armor: Element: Size:[/quote]Attack Rating: 22
Defense Rating: 22
LVL: 40
Hp: 8,618
Attack: 411
Defense: 48
Fire Resistance: 50
Ice Resistance: 90
Lighting Resistance: -50
Mental Resistance: 30

Name: Escudo Pecher
  • Porto Bello Deck
  • Trinity 2
Spawn Time: 15-21 minutes
  • Low lvl Equips
  • Mega talt
--------Treasure Golem

[quote]Race: Armor: Element: Size:[/quote]Attack Rating: 22
Defense Rating: 22
LVL: 40
Hp: 168,000
Attack: 1,276
Defense: 48
Fire Resistance: 40
Ice Resistance: 40
Lighting Resistance: 40
Mental Resistance: 40

Name: Treasure Golem
Location: Treasure Room Of Tetra Catacombs
  • Low lvl Equips
  • Mega talt
--------Merman Chieftain

[quote]Race: Armor: Element: Size:[/quote]Attack Rating: 23
Defense Rating: 23
LVL: 43
Hp: 30212
Attack: 428
Defense: 44
Fire Resistance: 30
Ice Resistance: 30
Lighting Resistance: 30
Mental Resistance: 30

Name: Merman Chieftain
Location: Porto Bello Deck
Spawn Time: 15-21 minutes
  • Low lvl Equips
  • Mega talt
--------Nosiar Captain

[quote]Race: Armor: Element: Size:[/quote]Attack Rating: 24
Defense Rating: 24
LVL: 45
Hp: 26,977
Attack: 893
Defense: 52
Fire Resistance: 50
Ice Resistance: 90
Lighting Resistance: -50
Mental Resistance: 30

Name: Nosair Captain
Location: Porto Bello Cabin
Spawn Time: 15-21 minutes
  • Low lvl Equips
  • Mega talt

[quote]Race: Armor: Element: Size:[/quote]
Attack Rating: 25

Defense Rating: 25
LVL: 46
Hp: 33,505
Attack: 396
Defense: 52
Fire Resistance: 50
Ice Resistance: 90
Lighting Resistance: -50
Mental Resistance: 30

Name: Wahlanche
Location: Porto Bello Desserted Quay
Spawn Time: 15-21 minutes
  • Low lvl Equips
  • Mega talt
  • Drop Porto Bello Fake Uni
--------Pasiar Captain

[quote]Race: Armor: Element: Size:[/quote]
Attack Rating: 25

Defense Rating: 25
LVL: 48
Hp: 29,995
Attack: 1050
Defense: 54
Fire Resistance: 50
Ice Resistance: 90
Lighting Resistance: -50
Mental Resistance: 30

Name: Pasiar Captain
Location: Porto Bello Hold
Spawn Time: 15-21 minutes
  • Low lvl Equips
  • Mega talt
-------- "Chimera"

[quote]Race: Armor: Element: Size:[/quote]
Attack Rating: 27

Defense Rating: 27
LVL: 50
Hp: 194,400
Attack: 1,100
Defense: 49
Fire Resistance: 40
Ice Resistance: 40
Lighting Resistance: 40
Mental Resistance: 40

Name: Chimera
Location: porto bello saloon
Spawn Time: 15-21 minutes

--------Sunflower Gorilla

[quote]Race: Armor: Element: Size:[/quote]
Attack Rating: 27

Defense Rating: 27
LVL: 50
Hp: 13,046
Attack: 315
Defense: 52
Fire Resistance: 30
Ice Resistance: 30
Lighting Resistance: 30
Mental Resistance: 30

Name Sunflower Gorilla
  • Theuringenwald
  • El Lago de Tres Hermanes
Spawn Time: 15-21 minutes


[quote]Race: Armor: Element: Size:[/quote]
Attack Rating: 29

Defense Rating: 29
LVL: 54
Hp: 55,434
Attack: 1,132
Defense: 55
Fire Resistance: 30
Ice Resistance: 30
Lighting Resistance: 30
Mental Resistance: 30

Name: Gehvars
Location: Dr. Torsches Mansion Savage Garden
Spawn Time: 15-21 minutes

--------Captain Shaffenberg

[quote]Race: Armor: Element: Size:[/quote]
Attack Rating: 29

Defense Rating: 29
LVL: 55
Hp: 44684
Attack: 459
Defense: 63
Fire Resistance: 30
Ice Resistance: 30
Lighting Resistance: 30
Mental Resistance: 30

Name: Captain Shaffenberg
Location: Porto Bello Desolated Cliff
Spawn Time: 15-21 minutes

--------Forgotten Territory Pasiar Captain

[quote]Race: Armor: Element: Size:[/quote]Attack Rating:
Defense Rating:
LVL: 55
Fire Resistance:
Ice Resistance:
Lighting Resistance:
Mental Resistance:

Name: Pasiar Captain
Location: Forgotten Territory in Porto Bello Deck "Porto Bello,Hidden Deck"
Spawn Time: 15-21 minutes
  • Drops Unique 44s,
  • Elite 36, 40,48,52
  • Enhancement Chips
  • Elite 52 (Rare)
  • Drop Bellem Box
Need to Know:
1)all the bosses in FT half the word forgotten in front of their names
2)drop multiple treasure chests upon death
3)Notice of their arrival will be displayed in the zone map

--------Hollow Footman Captain

[quote]Race: Armor: Element: Size:[/quote]
Attack Rating: 32

Defense Rating: 32
LVL: 60
Hp: 51,770
Attack: 1,411
Defense: 76
Fire Resistance: 30
Ice Resistance: 30
Lighting Resistance:30
Mental Resistance: 30

Name: Hollow Footman
Location: Dr. Torsche Mansion, Reception Hall
Spawn Time:
Spawn Time: 15-21 minutes
  • Pelvis
  • lvl 50+ equips
  • Plate Helm
  • Mega Talt
--------Violent Demonishce

[quote]Race: Armor: Element: Size:[/quote]Attack Rating: 33
Defense Rating: 33
LVL: 61
Fire Resistance:
Ice Resistance:
Lighting Resistance:
Mental Resistance:

Name: Violent Demonische
Location: Tejardo Verde
Spawn Time: 15-21 minutes

--------Skeleton Knight

[quote]Race: Armor: Element: Size:[/quote]
Attack Rating: 33

Defense Rating: 33
LVL: 62
Hp: 106851
Attack: 3818
Defense: 49
Fire Resistance: 30
Ice Resistance: 30
Lighting Resistance: 30
Mental Resistance: 30

Name: Skeleton Knight
Location: Underground Relic (also called Dungeon Ruins and Sacred Dungeon)
  • If you kill the mini-boss, lots of treasure chests will appear
[quote]How to Get there?

To open the Underground Relics, you must drop the Key of Dungeon Ruins on the stone marker in Pradera de Ceniza (E5, channel 1 ONLY). The key is dropped by monsters in the same map. Once the entrance is opened, the key is "consumed" and a server-wide notice will flash at the top of every player's screen.

[Notice] FAMILYNAME Family has opened the Entrance of Underground Relics.

At this point, everyone may enter the dungeon through the stone marker without having to use a key. 10 minutes after the 1st notice, another notice will be shown.

[Notice] The Entrance of Dungeon Ruins will be closed soon.

About 1 minute after the 2nd notice, everyone will be notified of the closure of the dungeon.

[Notice] The Entrance of Dungeon Ruins is now closed.

You appear on a safe platform at H3 of the map. As you move south, you will be warped below the platform around H4. You may stay in the dungeon for as long as you like. But once you leave, you may not re-enter the dungeon unless someone opens the entrance again. You may not save a warp point in the dungeon.

The map has a mini-boss, Skeleton Knight (Lv.62), which often spawns in the leftmost side of the map. If you kill the mini-boss, lots of treasure chests will appear. Destroy the chests and loot, thereafter you will be banished from the dungeon.[/quote][quote]Full Credits on StarStorm ^^V[/quote]

[quote]Race: Armor: Element: Size:[/quote]Attack Rating: 33
Defense Rating: 33
LVL: 62
Hp: 54,783
Attack: 1,633
Defense: 69
Fire Resistance: 30
Ice Resistance: 30
Lighting Resistance: 30
Mental Resistance: 30

Name: Victor
Location: Dr. Torsche Mansion, Grand Library
Spawn Time: 15-21 minutes
  • Pelvis
  • lvl 50+ equips
  • Mega Talt
--------Corridor Bear Leader

[quote]Race: Armor: Element: Size:[/quote]Attack Rating: 34
Defense Rating: 34
LVL: 64
Hp: 72,888
Attack: 1,950
Defense: 71
Fire Resistance: 30
Ice Resistance: 30
Lighting Resistance: 30
Mental Resistance: 30

Name: Corridor Bear Leader
Location: Rio Dungeon Corridor
Spawn Time: 15-21 minutes

--------Violent Gehcos

[quote]Race: Armor: Element: Size:[/quote]
Attack Rating: 33

Defense Rating: 33
LVL: 65
Hp: 74,799
Attack: 1,572
Defense: 36
Fire Resistance: 30
Ice Resistance: 30
Lighting Resistance: 30
Mental Resistance: 30

Name: Violent Gehcos
Location: Pradera de Ceniza
Spawn Time: every 15 minutes,available on chnl 1 and 2
  • lvl 50 - lvl 60 equips
  • Mega Talt
Need to Know:
  • Needed for Viki Quest
Read Arconis Guide for info about Viki Quest on hunting mamund "Mamund Guide for the Hunters"
Read Gillian for full Viki Quest info "Full quest & rnpc guide"

--------Lion Bear Leader

[quote]Race: Armor: Element: Size:[/quote]
Attack Rating: 35

Defense Rating: 35
LVL: 67
Hp: 78,712
Attack: 1,488
Defense: 73
Fire Resistance: 30
Ice Resistance: 30
Lighting Resistance: 30
Mental Resistance: 30

Name: Corridor Bear Leader
Location: Rio Dungeon Corridor
Spawn Time: 15-21 minutes

--------Forgotten Territory Victor

[quote]Race: Armor: Element: Size:[/quote]Attack Rating:
Defense Rating:
LVL: 68
Fire Resistance:
Ice Resistance:
Lighting Resistance:
Mental Resistance:

Name: Forgotten Territory Victor
Location: Forgotten Territory in Dr. Torsche Mansion, Grand Library
Spawn Time: 15-21 minutes
  • Cath's Pelvis (Rare, Proven, Even In The Reward Chests),
  • E.52 Equips,
  • Unique 60, 60,
  • lvl 64,68 Enhancement Chips.
  • Drop bellem box
Need to Know:
1)all the bosses in FT half the word forgotten in front of their names
2)drop multiple treasure chests upon death
3)Notice of their arrival will be displayed in the zone map


[quote]Race: Armor: Element: Size:[/quote]Attack Rating: 37
Defense Rating: 37
LVL: 70
Hp: 794,392
Attack: 3,194
Defense: 54
Fire Resistance: 40
Ice Resistance: 40
Lighting Resistance: 20
Mental Resistance: 40

Name: Decarabia
Location:Old Port of Coimbra
Spawn Time: 7 - 9 hours after you first killed the boss.
  • Avoid using Wizard, since all my mate got problems that the curse stay forever, even after rez
  • DONT buff anything, no int, no acc, no wizzie/ele buff. And the curse will fade in 3 sec
  • Decarabia curse affects 80 and aboves.
  • To be safe, you should only be lvl 68 to 76 when you fight him. ONLY lvl68 and 76 parties.
  • Enchantment Chip lvl 76
  • Elite lvl 68
  • lvl 68 equip
  • Diamond coupon
Need to Know:
The curse of this boss is level dependent. If you are near the boss's level, the curse does not do very much harm, but if you are vet, you're screwed. Very few people have defeated it with vets.

--------Purple Cockatrice

[quote]Race: Armor: Element: Size:[/quote]
Attack Rating: 37

Defense Rating: 37
LVL: 70
Fire Resistance:
Ice Resistance:
Lighting Resistance:
Mental Resistance:

Name: Purple Cockatrice
Location: Bona vista River
Spawn Time: 15-21 minutes

[quote]Race: Wild Beast Armor: Light Armor Element: no atribute Size: medium[/quote]Attack Rating: 37
Defense Rating: 37
LVL: 71
Hp: 3207
Attack: 2,319
Defense: 81
Fire Resistance: 30
Ice Resistance: 30
Lighting Resistance: 30
Mental Resistance: 30

Violent Joaquin Bear
Location: Joaquin Lava Plateau
Spawn Time: 15-21 minutes

--------Violent Joaquin Bear

[quote]Race: Armor: Element: Size:[/quote]
Attack Rating: 38

Defense Rating: 38
LVL: 72
Hp: 89,024
Attack: 2,319
Defense: 82
Fire Resistance: 30
Ice Resistance: 30
Lighting Resistance: 30
Mental Resistance: 30

Violent Joaquin Bear
Location: Joaquin Crater
Spawn Time: 15-21 minutes
  • Lord of Element bracelet lvl 72
--------Powerful Phobitan Imp

[quote]Race: Armor: Element: Size:[/quote]
Attack Rating: 38

Defense Rating: 38
LVL: 72
Hp: 71,524
Attack: 1,288
Defense: 73
Fire Resistance: -50
Ice Resistance: 50
Lighting Resistance: 90
Mental Resistance: 30

Name: Powerful Phobitan Imp
Location: Vegas Javier
Spawn Time: 15-21 minutes
  • Lord of Element Bracelet lvl 76
--------Ice Celberos

[quote]Race: Armor: Element: Size:[/quote]
Attack Rating: 39

Defense Rating: 39
LVL: 75
Hp: 392,700
Attack: 3,078
Defense: 142
Fire Resistance: 50
Ice Resistance: 90
Lighting Resistance: -50
Mental Resistance: 30

Name: Ice Celberos
Location: Island of Fire Zone 1
Spawn Time: 15-21 minutes


[quote]Race: Armor: Element: Size:[/quote]Attack Rating: 40
Defense Rating: 40
LVL: 77
Hp: 80,974
Attack: 1,734
Defense: 97
Fire Resistance: 30
Ice Resistance: 30
Lighting Resistance: 30
Mental Resistance: 30

Name: Dragonhead
Location: Prison de Joaquin "Mohrgus"
Spawn Time: 15-21 minutes
  • Drop Joaquin Prison Fake Uni
  • Corridor of assize key
--------Jabberwock Captain

[quote]Race: Armor: Element: Size:[/quote]
Attack Rating: 41

Defense Rating: 41
LVL: 79
Hp: 84,975
Attack: 5,062
Defense: 99
Fire Resistance: 30
Ice Resistance: 30
Lighting Resistance: 30
Mental Resistance: 30

Name: Jabberwock Captain
Location: Prison de Joaquin "Altar of Despair"
Spawn Time: 15-21 minutes
  • Elite lvl 68 recipe
  • Mega Talt
  • Corridor of assize key
  • Drop Joaquin Prison Fake Uni

[quote]Race: Armor: Element: Size:[/quote]
Attack Rating: 42

Defense Rating: 42
LVL: 81
Hp: 89,081
Attack: 2,248
Defense: 101
Fire Resistance: 30
Ice Resistance: 30
Lighting Resistance: 30
Mental Resistance: 30

Name: Vladimir
Location: Prison de Joaquin "Torture Chamber"
Spawn Time: 15-21 minutes
  • Eilte lvl 68 item
  • Mega Talt
  • Corridor of assize key
  • Drop Joaquin Prison Fake Uni
--------Violent Ghost Baron

[quote]Race: Armor: Element: Size:[/quote]Attack Rating: 43
Defense Rating: 43
LVL: 82Hp: 71,289
Attack: 4,166
Defense: 81
Fire Resistance: 30
Ice Resistance: 30
Lighting Resistance: 30
Mental Resistance: 30

Name: Violent Ghost Baron
  • El Cannon Diabolica
  • El Ruina de Memoria
Spawn Time: 15-21 minutes
  • lord of Element lvl 84 Bracelet
  • Mega Talt
--------Fallen Champion

[quote]Race: Armor: Element: Size:[/quote]
Attack Rating: 43

Defense Rating: 43
LVL: 83
Hp: 93,332
Attack: 4,198
Defense: 103
Fire Resistance: 30
Ice Resistance: 30
Lighting Resistance: 30
Mental Resistance: 30

Fallen Champion
Location: Prison de Joaquin
Spawn Time: 15-21 minutes
  • Prison Fake Uni "sword of the champion"
  • corridor of assize key
--------Thunder Celberos

[quote]Race: Armor: Element: Size:[/quote]
Attack Rating: 44

Defense Rating: 44
LVL: 85
Hp: 485,070
Attack: 4,252
Defense: 157
Fire Resistance: -50
Ice Resistance: 50
Lighting Resistance: 90
Mental Resistance: 30

Thunder Celberos
Spawn Time: 15-21 minutes

--------Crysallis of the Corridor Assize

[quote]Race: Armor: Element: Size:[/quote]
Attack Rating: 45

Defense Rating: 45
LVL: 85
Hp: 506,160
Attack: 1,896
Defense: 84
Fire Resistance: 40
Ice Resistance: 40
Lighting Resistance: 40
Mental Resistance: 40

Name: Crysallis
Location: Corridor of Assize
  • HQ Recipe
  • Unique lvl92
Need to Know:
  • Area:Prison level 5
  • Axis:End of Bridge
  • Activate:Talk to the NPC
  • Channel:All Channel
  • Need: key of Corridor Assize Cost(Carracci 30m)
  • How to Enter: Gate Appear. Notice will be broad in the channel.
--------Forgotten Territory Fallen Champion

[quote]Race: Armor: Element: Size:[/quote]
Attack Rating:

Defense Rating:
LVL: 86
Fire Resistance:
Ice Resistance:
Lighting Resistance:
Mental Resistance:

Name: Forgotten Territory Fallen Champion
Location: Forgotten Territory in Prison de Joaquin, The Mohrgus "Laboratory Block"
  • Drops Prison Fake Unique Sword Of The Champion,
  • Unique 92s,
  • Elite 68, 80,84,88
  • Drop Bellem Box
Need to Know:
1)all the bosses in FT half the word forgotten in front of their names
2)drop multiple treasure chests upon death
3)Notice of their arrival will be displayed in the zone map

--------Sabel Tiger

[quote]Race: Armor: Element: Size:[/quote]
Attack Rating: 47

Defense Rating: 47
LVL: 90
Hp: 132,969
Attack: 4,362
Defense: 93
Fire Resistance: 50
Ice Resistance: 90
Lighting Resistance: -50
Mental Resistance: 30

Name: Sabel Tiger
  • Zona Uno "Utisier"
  • Zona Dos "Utisier"
  • Zona Tres "Utisier"
Spawn Time: 15-21 minutes
  • 84 elites (rare drop)
Mini boss that can drop elite 84
Ulstuir (all zones). Sabel Tiger

--------Golden Spider in Lago Celeste

[quote]Race: Armor: Element: Size:[/quote]
Attack Rating: 47

Defense Rating: 47
LVL: 92
Hp: 113,978
Attack: 3,943
Defense: 106
Fire Resistance: 30
Ice Resistance: 30
Lighting Resistance: 30
Mental Resistance: 30

Name: Golden Spider
Location: Lago Celeste
Spawn Time: 15-21 minutes
  • 80-88 items.
  • lvl 84 elites (rare drops)
  • wooden controller
--------Giant Comodo in Rio Albi

[quote]Race: Armor: Element: Size:[/quote]
Attack Rating: 48

Defense Rating: 48
LVL: 92
Hp: 138,560
Attack: 5,717
Defense: 106
Fire Resistance: 30
Ice Resistance: 30
Lighting Resistance: 30
Mental Resistance: 30

Name: Giant Comodo
Location: Rio Albi
Spawn Time: 15-21 minutes
  • can drop lvl 80-88 items..
  • can also drops lvl 84 elites
  • wooden controller
--------Flame Celberos

[quote]Race: Armor: Element: Size:[/quote]Attack Rating: 49
Defense Rating: 49
LVL: 95
Hp: 737,100
Attack: 5,589
Defense: 172
Fire Resistance: 90
Ice Resistance: -50
Lighting Resistance: 50
Mental Resistance: 30

Name: Flame Celberos
Spawn Time: 15-21 minutes

--------Great Hill Giant

[quote]Race: Armor: Element: Size:[/quote]Attack Rating: 49
Defense Rating: 49
LVL: 95
Hp: 997,198
Attack: 11650
Defense: 126
Fire Resistance: 30
Ice Resistance: 30
Lighting Resistance: 30
Mental Resistance: 30

Name: Great Hill Giant

--------Ravyn's Heart of Room of the Dead

[quote]Race: Armor: Element: Size:[/quote]Attack Rating: 50
Defense Rating: 50
LVL: 97
Hp: 733,549
Attack: 1,750
Defense: 70
Fire Resistance: 40
Ice Resistance: 40
Lighting Resistance: 40
Mental Resistance: 40

Name: Ravyn's Heart
Location: Room of the Dead
Spawn Time:

--------Ravyn the Unholy

[quote]Race: Undead Armor: Soft Armor Element: No Attribute Size: Medium[/quote]Attack Rating: 50
Defense Rating: 50
LVL: 97
Hp: 177,063
Attack: 1,393
Defense: 81
Fire Resistance: 40
Ice Resistance: 40
Lighting Resistance: 40
Mental Resistance: 40

Name: Ravyn the Unholy
Location: Room of the dead

--------Skullic Leader in Skull Dungeon 1

[quote]Race: Armor: Element: Size:[/quote]
Attack Rating: 50
Defense Rating: 50
LVL: 97
Fire Resistance:
Ice Resistance:
Lighting Resistance:
Mental Resistance:

Mini Boss:
Skullic Leader
Location: 1st floor Skullic Dungeon
Spawn Time: 15-21 minutes


[quote]Race: Armor: Element: Size:[/quote]Attack Rating: 52
Defense Rating: 52
LVL: 100
Hp: 83,160
Attack: 2467
Defense: 114
Fire Resistance: 30
Ice Resistance: 30
Lighting Resistance: 30
Mental Resistance: 30

Location: Ustiur, Zona Cuatro
Spawn Time:
Drops: Spino's Skull

Bellboy of Mein

[quote]Race: Armor: Element: Size:[/quote]
Attack Rating: 52
Defense Rating: 52
LVL: 100
Hp: 535,788
Attack: 3984
Defense: 132
Fire Resistance: 0
Ice Resistance: 0
Lighting Resistance: 0
Mental Resistance: 0

Bellboy of Mein
Location: Porto Bello Desolated Cliff
Spawn Time: Every 4 Hrs (ch1 and ch2)
Drops: Silver Hammer

--------Boneless in Skull Dungeon 3

[quote]Race: Armor: Element: Size:[/quote]Attack Rating: 50
Defense Rating: 50
LVL: 100

Fire Resistance:
Ice Resistance:
Lighting Resistance:
Mental Resistance:

Mini Boss: Boneless
Location: Secret Temple
Spawn Time: 15-21 minutes
  • 80-88 items. lvl 84 elites (rare drop))
  • "Key to the Room of the Dead"
-------- Boss Raid"Chrysalis of Gate of Hell"

[quote]Race: Armor: Element: Size:[/quote]Attack Rating: 52
Defense Rating: 52
LVL: 100
Fire Resistance:
Ice Resistance:
Lighting Resistance:
Mental Resistance:

Location:gate of hell in el cannon diabolica
Kill 4 Dragon heads(2 magic,2 beserker) to remove the rotating blades that block the path to Main boss(Chrysalis).Kill Chrysalis to complete mission
Spawn Time: Time Raid"Need 1 Hell Valley Key( dropped frm mobs in el cannon diabolica)" to open the gate of hell
  • 84 elite items/recipes.
[quote][full Credits on Arconis Blood Countess][/quote]

Raid Info
Requirements:Need 1 Hell Valley Key( dropped frm mobs in el cannon diabolica)
Use it on the gate of hell in el cannon diabolica
30 families max per mission
time limit 35 minutes
Purpose of mission:Kill 4 Dragon heads(2 magic,2 beserker) to remove the rotating blades that block the path to Main boss(Chrysalis).Kill Chrysalis to complete mission

GE really got bad wording errors,the hint given can't even be seen properly ;p let me re-sentence it.

"HINT!To gain access to the chrysalis,defeat all of the dragon heads!"

Once u killed all 4 dragon heads,the rotating blades will be removed thus u can meet chrysalis in the last part of the map

Mob info
lvl 95 White grim reapers (Not airborne)
lvl 95 Black grim reapers (Not airborne)
lvl 100 Beserker Dragon head (Very Weak against elemental atk)
lvl 100 Magical Dragon head (Very Strong against elemental atk)
lvl 100 Chrysalis (same attack pattern as in prison assize n lvl 51 faction quest)
lvl 100 Turrets (can freeze ur character wif their atks)
lvl 100 Rotating Blades (can be disabled when u kill all 4 Dragon heads)

The magical dragon head has nearly the same stats as the beserker,the only difference is the elemental resistance.I was unable to get the other stats of the dragon head due to lag.

Here is the main boss


Well,enuff on the info,now comes the strategy part.As u all know,its a very short mission,so how fast u kill the bosses is crucial for victory.But that does not mean u should jux rush the boss head on,being a rambo in this map will not make u a winner

There are 3 parts to this mission.

Part 1
the first part is to kill the first beserker dragon head n magical dragon head at C3,D3 coordinates.Stick together n build turrets,wards,etc.Usually strong ppl haf big ego's n prefer to be alone n fight far frm the pack.Don;t do this.This is a team mission,not a solo mission after all.The grim reapers respawn very fast.Stick together n u can kill them quickly.Use elementalist on the beserkers dragon heads and melee/ranged on the magical dragon heads.The target is to kill these 2 under 10 mins.once they die,res all dead players,rebuff n run to B3

Part 2
run all the way to B3 n stop at the green spot as i haf indicated on the map.Why stop here?some of u might ask.Reason is simple,the mob here is not topolo mob where u can kill easily.Since we ran here,they will be a huge mob following behind.Thus u stop here to kill the mob thats following u first .As the main team is doin this,send some players to go n lure the remaining beserker dragon head and magical dragon head,to the main team.

the advantage of fighting in that narrow path is alot.U won't get mobbed frm all directions.Since the place is compact,ur aoe spells hit more enemies(blizzard,tornado holding,etc)

Some of u think that to engage the dragon heads at the big space is faster rather than luring to the narrow path.Actually,thats wrong,u spend more tyme healing n resusciating others,n killing other mob than the dragon heads if ur in that big space.So fight in the narrow path to make the kill a quick one.U also got preferably10 minutes to kill the last 2 dragon heads.Once this is achieved.The rotating blades will be removed n u can proceed to the last part of the map.Res all dead players,rebuff n run to B5

Part 3
If u completed part 1 under 10 minutes n part 2 under 10 minutes as well,U would haf around 15 minutes left to kill the main boss,Chrysalis.Run to B5 n set up a base there(build wards,turrets,blades,etc).I haf indicated the spot in green on the map.
Stick together n kill the mob that followed u since u ran all the way here.This spot is safe since chrysalis AOE is centered around him,n he cannot move frm that position.The AOE range is indicated by the red ring .Build ur base jux outside of his AOE range.

To kill chrysalis,u must adopt hit n run method.Keep caths,jack,diego,scouts near the base,send all attackers to dmg chrysalis.Once chrysalis is about to use his AOE,run back to the base.Once he execute his AOE,send back the attackers to whack him.Rinse n repeat this process till he die. Then u can enjoi the rewards,i haf no idea wat that is though hahahaha

--------Dr. Fran Mothein, Corridor of Assise

[quote]Race:Human Armor: Light Armor Element: No Attribute Size: [/quote]Attack Rating: 52
Defense Rating: 52
LVL: 100
Hp: 964,418
Attack: 9,210
Defense: 120
Fire Resistance: 50
Ice Resistance: 50
Lighting Resistance: 50
Mental Resistance: 50

Dr. Fran Mothein
Location: Corridor of Assize
[Fastest way to get rid of Dr Fran in 2min,Warrior[2min]Defender[2min] Total Time Used:6min]
  • Fighter Dr 52min
  • 2 Catherine sum
  • if u afraid ppl KS use 2 W.C [For most Damage]
[Best way to ks other player inside]
  • Fighter, Fighter, and Musketeer or Fighter ,Claude, and Claude
  • *Last hit get Elite
  • *Most damage get Chip
Spawn Time:
  • Elite 84
  • Lvl80 Equip
  • Lvl92 Unique
  • Lvl92 Chip
Need to Know:
  • Area:Prison level 5
  • Axis:End of Bridge
  • Activate:Talk to the NPC
  • Channel:All Channel
  • Need: key of Corridor Assize Cost(Carracci 30m)
  • How to Enter: Gate Appear. Notice will be broad in the channel.
--------Gerrero in Gehenna

[quote]Race: Devil Armor: Middle Armor Element: No Attribute Size: Large[/quote]Attack Rating: 52
Defense Rating: 52
LVL: 100

Fire Resistance:
Ice Resistance:
Lighting Resistance:
Mental Resistance:

Location: Gehena Bridge (last Map of Joaquin Prison)
Strategy: 3-6 Vets with AR/DR of 52-54 can already manage to kill it.. Just have a nice Fighter to tank it..
Spawn Time:
  • LvL84 ElitesLVL
  • 92 Unique
  • lvl 92 and lvl 96 chip
  • Valkyries
--------Phobitian General

[quote]Race: Armor: Element: Size:[/quote]
Attack Rating: 52

Defense Rating: 52
Fire Resistance:
Ice Resistance:
Lighting Resistance:
Mental Resistance:
Mini Boss: Phobitian General
Location: Topolo Turga
Spawn Time: 15-21 minutes

--------Soul Mothtein

[quote]Race:Human Armor: Light Armor Element: No Attribute Size: [/quote]
Attack Rating: 52
Defense Rating: 52
LVL: 100
Hp: 750,103
Attack: 8,287
Defense: 120
Fire Resistance: 50
Ice Resistance: 50
Lighting Resistance: 50
Mental Resistance: 50

Location: Prison de Joaquin's Torture Chamber (F3)
Catherine the Summoner and Wizard typ chars
Spawn Time:
If all 24 torches are lit within 5 minutes
  • Lv.92 armor,
  • rings (e.g. elemental strife)
  • Lv.84 elite equipment (rare)
[quote][/quote][quote]How to Summon Soul Mothtein

In the next floor of the prison, the Torture Chamber, there are 24 Torches of Bernal (Lv.75) located in the middle of the map, near F3. The torches have 3 possible states - unlit, lit, and smoking. Lit and smoking torches cannot be attacked. If an unlit torch is attacked, it becomes lit.

Once a torch is lit, it remains so for about 5 minutes, after which it becomes smoking. A smoking torch refreshes to its unlit state after 12 or 24 hours (uncertain; confirmation needed).

If all 24 torches are lit within 5 minutes, Soul Mothtein (Lv.100) spawns in the area. Soul Mothtein uses elemental strife and hole of darkness repeatedly. Catherine is somewhat useless here (except for lighting the torches), since her dolls keep dying in the AOEs. You may want to use apocalypse or similar skill to lock his skills
--------Thoracotomy in Skull Dungeon 2

[quote]Race: Undead Armor: Soft Armor Element: No Attribute Size: Small[/quote]Attack Rating: 52
Defense Rating: 52
LVL: 100

Hp: 403,920
Attack: 6170
Defense: 102
Fire Resistance: 30
Ice Resistance: 30
Lighting Resistance: 30
Mental Resistance: 30

Mini Boss: Thoracotomy
Location: 2nd floor Skullic
Spawn Time: 21 minute after death
  • lv 80 weapons/armors,
  • lv 84 elites and recipe,
  • lv 92 uniques and recipe
  • "Key of The Dead Room" (Rare drop needed for grandice quest)
--------Ancient Thoracotomy in Ancient Territory

[quote]Race: Undead Armor: Soft Armor Element: No Attribute Size: Small[/quote]
Attack Rating: 52
Defense Rating: 52
LVL: 100

Hp: 184,800
Attack: 6415
Defense: 102
Fire Resistance: 30
Ice Resistance: 30
Lighting Resistance: 30
Mental Resistance: 30

Mini Boss: Ancient Thoracotomy
Location: 2nd floor Skullic
Spawn Time:G-4,G-6, H/I-4, H-6 The 4 Warp Gate." Notice will tell you when boss is out"
Drops: These Treasure will appear once Ancient Thoracotomy. "sometime Treasure chest will appear in random location too"

Need to Know: Difference with Thoracotomy and Ancient Thoracotomy

this is the normal thora,he got no purple glow or black aura[/quote][quote]
thora stats,take a look at his arms,there's a purplish glow he also got black aura but u can't see in this pic
[/quote]--------Dream Blade Antelope

[quote]Race: Wild Beast Armor: Light Armor Element: No Attribute Size: Medium[/quote]
Attack Rating: 52
Defense Rating: 52
LVL: 101

Fire Resistance:
Ice Resistance:
Lighting Resistance:
Mental Resistance:

Mini Boss: Dream Blade
  • Via Fluvial
  • Deprimida Valley
Spawn Time: 15-21 minutes

--------Sick Capybara Leader

[quote]Race: Wild Beast Armor: soft Armor Element: No Attribute Size: Medium[/quote]
Attack Rating: 53
Defense Rating: 53
LVL: 102

Hp: 168,702
Attack: 7,220
Defense: 103
Fire Resistance: 30
Ice Resistance: 30
Lighting Resistance: 30
Mental Resistance: 30

Mini Boss: Sick Capybara Leader
  • Abertal
Spawn Time: 15-21 minutes


[quote]Race: Undead Armor: Element: Size:[/quote]
Attack Rating: 53
Defense Rating: 53
LVL: 103

Hp: 1,376,340
Attack: 5931
Defense: 153
Fire Resistance: 40
Ice Resistance: 40
Lighting Resistance: 40
Mental Resistance: 40

Location: Capybarra Plantation
Spawn Time: looks like the Golden Bat, but its attacks are different. It has ranged attacks, so the trick to fight the Golden Bat

--------Swamp Spider Crab

[quote]Race: Armor: Element: Size:[/quote]
Attack Rating: 54
Defense Rating: 54
LVL: 105

Hp: 148,692
Attack: 3178
Defense: 118
Fire Resistance: 30
Ice Resistance: 30
Lighting Resistance: 30
Mental Resistance: 30

Name: Swamp Spider Crab Leader
Location: Bahama Marshland
Spawn Time:

--------Boss Raid "Diablo in Pradera"

[quote]Race: Armor: Element: Size:[/quote]
Attack Rating: 54,
Defense Rating: 54
LVL: 105
Fire Resistance:
Ice Resistance:
Lighting Resistance:
Mental Resistance:

Raid Boss Name: Diablo
Location: Demon's Well at Prandera Map
  • Tankers (Fighters)
  • Damage Per Second ( Elementalist,Musketeers,Catherine,Claude)
  • Healers/Buffers (Scouts)
  • Bellem Box
  • Random Rings
  • Diamond Coupon
  • Grand Level Valkyrie Crasher
  • Random Level Item
  • Random Unique Item
  • Level 84 Elite Item
  • Level 96 Enchantment Chip
How to summon Diablo?

Daemon's Well
  • You are required throw Mega talts into the Well until it reaches 99 Mega Talts in order to summon Diablo out.
--------Boss Raid "CHIMERA"

[quote]Race: Armor: Element: Size:[/quote]
Attack Rating: 56
Defense Rating: 56
LVL: 105

Fire Resistance:
Ice Resistance:
Lighting Resistance:
Mental Resistance:

Mini Boss: Chimera on Poison Raid
Location: outside of coimbra
Spawn Time:Chimera spawns 30 minutes after the PY gate opens.
  • lvl 100 equips (rare)
  • elite if possible
  • ring
[quote]::::::::The best way to approach chimera::::::::

1. Before Chimera spawns, have all families except the tank clear the center area of Poisonyard and stop skilling.
* Tank should have 58 or more DR. A tank with 60dr unbuffed will need a little bit of HP potting but is almost guaranteed not to die.

2. Immediately at spawn, Tank should attack Chimera with Vortex Slash, Massive Charge, or another quick spike attack.

3. Tank should lead Chimera up one of the four hills at the center of the zone. Move slowly so that chimera follows. Go to the very far edge of the hill, do not enter Defend mode, and hold Chimera there using Provoke. SP pots will be necessary to keep up the Provoke frequency that will keep Chimera on you despite the DPS.

A well-executed setup.

4. Now that Chimera is under control of the tank, the DPS should move into attack position. This is over halfway up the hill, just close enough for guns to hit. The best DPS is a set of Musketeers on Outrage Shot buffed with Insistendo, Accelerando, Concentration, and AM's Boost. The musketeers should use normal cycle attacks rather than skilling, the DPS is better (but you can throw in Desperados every so often if you like). Keep any healers off autoheal (defend mode).

5. Maintain DPS and Provoke. Chimera will occasionally throw elemental attacks at you, Chain Lightning, ice, volcanic eruption. If the Fighter gets hit with Lightning and can't skill, make sure no one else skills until he recovers. If the dps gets hit (if you're placed right you shouldn't) with a condition, use Recover (in Medic stance) quickly.

The point of the fighter not attacking Chimera, and simply holding the boss at the edge of the hill with Provoke, is to keep the AOE elemental attacks off the DPS. If the DPS doesn't get thrown, frozen, burned and hit with Lightning, Chimera dies faster. If you must bring Wizards, have them use Magic Barrier and Strike Back spam. Elementalists should use any of the +damage buffs, and be careful not to skill faster than the tank provokes.

You have 1 hour to kill Chimera from the moment it spawns.[/quote]
--------Golden Bat
[quote]Race: Armor: Element: Size:[/quote]
Attack Rating: 55
Defense Rating: 55
LVL: 106

Hp: 1,433,760
Attack: 21,319
Defense: 100
Fire Resistance: 40
Ice Resistance: 40
Lighting Resistance: 40
Mental Resistance: 40

Name: Golden Bat
Location: Capybara Plantation
Strategy: [quote]Dropping 200 Food of Capybara into Capybara Food Pack provides a special buff. Alternatively, you can fight with a special strategy. Use a character (e.g. fighter) to attack the bat, drawing its hostility. Since the bat moves slowly, use that character to keep running around all the other characters, who attack it with ranged attacks. (If the other characters use melee attacks, the bat may change target.) Just keep the bat rotating in circles near the attacking characters until it dies.
[/quote]Spawn Time:
  • keys of capybara(The Key of Capybara can also be used to open the Treasure Chests to get random items, such as assorted potions (e.g. mithridart), Fallen Champion ambers, and rarely, Lv.84 Steel Series recipe.)
--------Mueletos Chief

[quote]Race: Armor: Element: Size:[/quote]
Attack Rating: 55
Defense Rating: 55
LVL: 106

Fire Resistance:
Ice Resistance:
Lighting Resistance:
Mental Resistance:

Mueletos Chief
Location:Los Todos
Spawn Time: 15 - 21 minutes
  • Lvl 80 Equips,Boots/Gloves
  • Lvl 84 Equips,Elite Equips(rare)
  • Lvl 88 Equips
  • mega talt
Extra Info: Needed for Baron Quest


[quote]Race: Human Armor: Light Armor Element: No Attribute Size: Large[/quote]
Attack Rating: 55
Defense Rating: 55
LVL: 106

Hp: 1,720,512
Defense: 189
Fire Resistance: 30
Ice Resistance: 30
Lighting Resistance: 30
Mental Resistance: 30

  • Katovic Snowfield
  • Frozen Plain
  • 2 musks with a scout could easily solo him (you just need to manually control/seperate the three chars to avoid all three of them being frozen)
  • Ele, Musks,fighter in mighty cruz or claude
  • fighter=tank + damager should do.
Spawn Time:
  • lvl 100 equips
  • lvl 92 Unique Lord of Elementals Bracelet
Need to Know:
  • His attacks are ice-based, so Ice Resist would be the best to reduce damage from him, including his normal melee attack.
  • He has a debuff aura that slows down all players in the vicinity. He also has an AoE skill called Ice Blast that deals quite a bit of damage. He has a low chance of freezing a target when he hits them, causing them to slow down and disables usage of potions.
  • He requires a lot of damage dealers to hurt him due to his 1,500,000+ Health Point and 55 DR(?). I forgot to get a stat chart for him.
  • He will disappear after a while, most likely because the attackers do not have enough DPS to harm him, so he disappears after saying: "I'm running out of time".

--------Prairie Merman-Eater

[quote]Race: Dinosaur Armor: Light Armor Element: No Armor Size: Small[/quote]
Attack Rating: 55
Defense Rating: 55
LVL: 106

Hp: 1,003,632
Attack: 8,367
Defense: 151
Fire Resistance: 30
Ice Resistance: 30
Lighting Resistance: 30
Mental Resistance: 30

Prairie Merman-Eater
  • Abertal
  • Via Fluvial
  • Deprima Valley
Spawn Time:


[quote]Race: Armor: Element: Size:[/quote]
Attack Rating: 56
Defense Rating: 56
LVL: 108

Fire Resistance:
Ice Resistance:
Lighting Resistance:
Mental Resistance:

Mini Boss: Frogfish
Location: Bahama swamp of Darkness
Spawn Time:
Strategy:Gather 2 or more families for this mini boss to save time. However, this boss can be soloed. I managed to kill it but it took about 10mins(fastest was 5mins, , how fast you are able to down it depends on how frequent the boss uses roar of despair). I was fighting it with expert characters of 61-62AR. 1 thing to take note about this boss is that it has a spell(roar of despair) that will reduce your attack and attack rating.

Here are some tips on killing this boss(if you intend to solo it):
  • -Lure it to a place of low mob spawn(any edge of the map will do).
  • -Use Hrin pots(triump fillers if necessary).
  • -Make sure all your 3 characters are DPSing/attacking, if u bring scouts make sure they swap to the dagger stance after buffing.
  • -Swap stances for max DPS, for example, if you are using rapiers, swap between the 2 stances and repeatedly spam the skills.
  • -I strongly recommend you use 1 melee, 2 range or 3 range and space them out appropriately to avoid getting hit by AOE together.
  • -I recommend you chip weapons to additional atk against wild beast.
  • -Stay focus, keep your fingers moving on the hotkeys and eventually this boss will fall.
[quote]Full Credit on Levan on his Guide on Prepatory Guide on Bahama[/quote] Drops:

--------Boss Raid "Lava Leaf of Gate of Flame"

[quote]Race: Armor: Element: Size:[/quote]
Attack Rating: 56
Defense Rating: 56
LVL: 108
Fire Resistance:
Ice Resistance:
Lighting Resistance:
Mental Resistance:

Name: Lava Leaf
Location: Topolo Durga CH1 (Gate of Flame)
Spawn Time: after the gate of flames open -_-
  1. Each Family MUST HAVE at least (1) Elementalist with Ice Bracelets (min. Elite84)
  2. Prefered Characters : Muskeeters/Romina, Wizards (min. all with Elite84 weapons)
  3. Support Characters : Scouts (with Lv.11 Intensify & Fortify) & Romina (DEX Type)
  4. NO Fighters or Tanker Class
  • Fire Series AR32 Weapon Series
  • Lv100 Weapons
  • Elite84 Armors
  • Fire Element Key
--------Boss Raid "Hell Breaker in Capybara Plantation"

[quote]Race: Armor: Element: Size:[/quote]Attack Rating: 54
Defense Rating: 54

LVL: 108
Fire Resistance:
Ice Resistance:
Lighting Resistance:
Mental Resistance:

Name: Hell Breaker
Location: Toukbal Mine
HB Spawn Time: 10 hours 30mins (as of v2.6)
Strategy: Use Musketeers with Outrage Stance, Spam Harpoon or BirdFall. Weapons with Lifeless does wonders.
  • old Journal 10
  • steel recipe
  • msp
  • elite 84
[quote]How to Enter to HB:

1- Obtain 12 keys of capybara from Golden Bats
2- From Capybara Plantation (Lv.1), open the passage by using 4 keys to enter Mines Passage (Lv.2)
3- From Mines Passage (Lv.2), open the passage by using 4 keys to enter Toubkal Mines (Lv.3)
4- At Toubkal Mines, move to center of the map, locate 2 beacons and place 2 keys each on the beacon to summon HB
[/quote]--------Swamp Merman Eater

[quote]Race: Dinosaur Armor: Light Armor Element: No Armor Size: Small[/quote]
Attack Rating: 57
Defense Rating: 57
LVL: 110

Hp: 1,209,600
Attack: 8,942
Defense: 162
Fire Resistance: 30
Ice Resistance: 30
Lighting Resistance: 30
Mental Resistance: 30

Name: Swamp Merman-Eater
  • Bahama Marshlands
  • Bahama Swamp of Darkness
  • Bahama Swamp of Eternity
  • Bahama Swamp of Peril
Spawn Time:

--------Boss Raid "Vergo in Porto Bello Desolated Cliff"

[quote]Race: Armor: Element: Size:[/quote]
Attack Rating: 57
Defense Rating: 57
LVL: 110
Fire Resistance:
Ice Resistance:
Lighting Resistance:
Mental Resistance:

Location: Porto Bello Desolate Cliff , H5 (CH1 & CH2)
Strategy: Tanker class prefered with Human Stats Weapons)
Spawn Time:
Every 12hours
  • Key of Vergo
  • Diamond Coupon
  • Grand Level Valkyrie Crasher
  • Bellem Box
  • Random Ring
  • Random Glove
  • Level 84 Elite Weapon
  • Level 92 Weapon/Armor
  • Level 92 Unique Weapon/Armor
  • Level 96 Weapon/Armor
  • Level 100 Weapon
  • Level 100 Enchantment Chip
  • The Hilt of Elite Grim-Wraith
  • The Hilt of Elite Daemon Slayer
  • The Hilt of Elite Black Dragon
  • The Hilt of Elite Grim-stick
  • Pieces of Elite Ziz
  • Piece of Elite Schvarlier Armor (Rare)
  • Recipe - Enhanced Physical RES Necklace (Rare)
  • Recipe - Enhanced Shot RES Necklace (Rare)
  • Recipe - Enhanced Fire RES Necklace (Rare)
  • Recipe - Enhanced Ice RES Necklace (Rare)
  • Recipe - Enhanced Lightning RES Necklace (Rare)
  • Recipe - Enhanced Mental RES Necklace (Rare)
[quote]How to Summon

In order to summon VERGO The CURSED, We would require a key to unlock his Tombstone. This Key is call SILVER HAMMER as shown below:

This Key can be obtained by killing Bellboy, who roams Porto Bello Desolate Cliff (Ch1 & Ch2). His spawn time is approximately 4 hours. Every kill of Bellboy will drop this key.

[/quote]--------Dark Celberos

[quote]Race: Armor: Element: Size:[/quote]
Attack Rating: 57
Defense Rating: 57
LVL: 110
Fire Resistance:
Ice Resistance:
Lighting Resistance:
Mental Resistance:

Location:Island of Fire Zone 4
Spawn Time:


--------Uknown Boss

[quote]Race: Armor: Element: Size:[/quote]
Attack Rating: 60
Defense Rating: 57
LVL: 110
Fire Resistance:
Ice Resistance:
Lighting Resistance:
Mental Resistance:

Spawn Time:


--------King of Greed

[quote]Race: Undead Armor: Middle Armor Element: No Attribute Size: [/quote]Attack Rating: 57
Defense Rating: 57
LVL: 110

Hp: 2,419,200
Attack: 5,896
Defense: 188
Fire Resistance: 30
Ice Resistance: 30
Lighting Resistance: 30
Mental Resistance: 30

Mini Boss: King of Greed
  • Bahama Marshlands
  • Bahama Swamp of Peril
Spawn Time:
Strategy: Gather more families to kill KOG faster(it can be soloed though). KOG usually spawns at the following corrds, C5 and I8. Lure it to a place of low mob spawn, B6 and K7 are good spots to fight KOG. 1 thing to take note about KOG is that once it is left with around 30-40% HP, it will use a skill by the name of Protection which will increase it's defend and defend rating, a typical KOG with protection has 59 defend rating.

Upon the death of KOG, there will be a notice that the entrance to the Underground Cave level 2 has opened. If you killed the KOG from the Bahama Swamp of Peril side, the entrance to level 2 will open at the Bahama Marshlands side at the coords of D6. If you killed the KOG at the Bahama Marshlands side, the entrance to level 2 will open at the Bahama Swamp of Peril side at the coords of I7.
  • Elite Necklace recipe
  • Golden Recipe
  • DH recipe
  • lvl 92 unique random armor
  • some weapon from lvl 84 onward to 96
--------Escudero Prefer Leader

[quote]Race: Armor: Element: Size:[/quote]
Attack Rating: 57
Defense Rating: 57
LVL: 111

Hp: 166,758
Attack: 11,429
Defense: 131
Fire Resistance: 30
Ice Resistance: 30
Lighting Resistance: 30
Mental Resistance: 30

Mini Boss: Escudero Prefer Leader
Location: Bahama Swamp of Eternity
Spawn Time:

--------Boss Raid "Einwind of Gate of Lightning"

[quote]Race: Armor: Element: Size:[/quote]
Attack Rating: 58

Defense Rating: 58
LVL: 112
Fire Resistance:
Ice Resistance:
Lighting Resistance:
Mental Resistance:
Name: Einwind
Rio Albi CH1 (Gates Of Lighting)
(MIN. DR58 without Buffs/Triumphs)
  2. 2 ELE (58AR / 58DR) WITH FIRE BRACELETS (Domination Fire)
  4. SCOUT
TANKER/MOB CONTROL SQUAD: (MIN. DR58 without Buffs/Triumphs)
  4. RIO
Spawn Time: You are required lightning orb x 1 EA to open the Gate. Do note that once the gate is open, you only have a few minutes of time to go in before it auto closes.
  • Elite Le Noir
  • Elite Le Blanc
  • Le Noir
  • Elite 84 Equipments
  • AR 26 Weapons
  • AR 29 Weapons
  • Lightning Weapons
  • Lightning Elemental Key
  • Random Enchantment Chip
  • Random Ring
  • Random Glove
  • Random Shoe
[quote][quote]Uraeus ~ How to get there ?

[/quote] The Silent Maze 1st Floor
  • Once you are inside Silent Maze 1st Floor after entering Gate Of Lightning, you see total of four warp gates around you, do not panic, follow the below mentioned navigation guide properly and you will reach Einwind's room aka Silent Maze Sanctuary.
  • Firstly, proceed to each warp gate(DO NOT ENTER) and type /where to show your exact coordinates. The first correct warp gate's coordinate is x:37000,y:-35000.
  • Once you enter the first warp you will reach the start of the Colours warp maze consisting of 2 x Blue,1 x White,1 x Red warp gate per room. Do not enter the wrong warp or you will have to redo the whole process again by using Teleport scroll back to first room. Locate Elite Einbint, kill it and warp gates will spawn at every side of the square room maze.
  • Room Number 1 - Red Warp Gate
  • Room Number 2 - Left Blue Warp Gate, Back facing white warp gate, the left blue is the correct gate.
  • Room Number 3 - Left Blue Warp Gate, Back facing white warp gate, the left blue is the correct gate.
  • Room Number 4 - White Warp Gate
  • Room Number 5 - Red Warp Gate
  • Room Number 6 - Left Blue Warp Gate, Back facing white warp gate, the left blue is the correct gate.
  • Room Number 7 - Left Blue Warp Gate, Back facing white warp gate, the left blue is the correct gate.
  • Room Number 8 - Red Warp Gate
  • Room Number 9 - Right Blue Warp Gate, Back facing white warp gate, the right blue is the correct gate.
  • Room Number 10 - Left Blue Warp Gate, Back facing white warp gate, the left blue is the correct gate.
  • Room Number 11 - Left Blue Warp Gate, Back facing white warp gate, the left blue is the correct gate.
  • Room Number 12 - Left Blue Warp Gate, Back facing white warp gate, the left blue is the correct gate. This is the last room of level one , locate Elite Einapt, defeat it and warp gates will spawn.
  • Congratulations, if you have follow the navigation guide as aboved mentioned properly, you have successfully reached Silent Maze 2F which is the second level.
The Silent Maze 2nd Floor

  • Firstly, type /where and check your location. There is two rooms, the correct one is x:-40000,y:-30000. If you are in the wrong room, teleport by using teleport scroll until you get to the correct room.
  • Secondly, proceed to each warp gate(DO NOT ENTER) and type /where to show your exact coordinates. The first correct warp gate's coordinate is x:-400000,y:-28000.
  • Once you enter the first warp of 2nd Floor you will reach the start of the Colours warp maze consisting of 2 x Blue,1 x White,1 x Red warp gate per room. Do not enter the wrong warp or you will have to redo the whole process again by using Teleport scroll back to first room of 2nd Floor. Locate Elite Einapt, defeat it and warp gates will spawn at every side of the square room maze.
  • Room Number 1 - White Warp Gate
  • Room Number 2 - Red Warp Gate
  • Room Number 3 - Red Warp Gate
  • Room Number 4 - Left Blue Warp Gate, Back facing white warp gate, the left blue is the correct gate.
  • Room Number 5 - Red Warp Gate
  • Room Number 6 - Red Warp Gate
  • Room Number 7 - Right Blue Warp Gate, Back facing white warp gate, the right blue is the correct gate.
  • Congratulations, if you have follow the navigation guide as aboved mentioned properly, you have successfully reached Einapt Chieftain Room, last room before Silent Maze Sanctuary. Locate Einapt Chieftain, defeat it and warp gates will spawn, the correct one is x:-14,y:-4200.

The Silent Maze Sanctuary


--------Uknown Yet

[quote]Race: Armor: Element: Size:[/quote]
Attack Rating: 61
Defense Rating: 61
LVL: 112

Fire Resistance:
Ice Resistance:
Lighting Resistance:
Mental Resistance:

Mini Boss:
Spawn Time:

--------Avalanche Apparition

[quote]Race: Armor: Element: Size:[/quote]
Attack Rating: 56
Defense Rating: 56
LVL: 114

Fire Resistance:
Ice Resistance:
Lighting Resistance:
Mental Resistance:

Mini Boss:Avalanche Apparition
Location: Snowfield of the Ice Wizard
Strategy: Elem using Lightning Stance
Spawn Time:
  • 92 chips
  • Gold bar
  • Red Jewel Frament
--------Frozen Plain Merman- Eater

[quote]Race: Armor: Element: Size:[/quote]
Attack Rating: 56
Defense Rating: 56
LVL: 114

Fire Resistance:
Ice Resistance:
Lighting Resistance:
Mental Resistance:

Frozen Merman-Eater
Spawn Time:
  • Scorching Platue
  • Ferrucio Wall
  • Katovic Snowfield
  • Frozen Plain
  • Snowfield of the Ice Wizard

--------Uknown Yet

[quote]Race: Armor: Element: Size:[/quote]
Attack Rating: 59
Defense Rating: 59
LVL: 114

Fire Resistance:
Ice Resistance:
Lighting Resistance:
Mental Resistance:

Mini Boss:
Spawn Time:


[quote]Race: Armor: Element: Size:[/quote]
Attack Rating: 61
Defense Rating: 61
LVL: 118

Hp: 6,696,950
Attack: 6607
Defense: 248
Fire Resistance: 70
Ice Resistance: 70
Lighting Resistance: 70
Mental Resistance: 70
Name: Garim
Location: Vegas Javier
Spawn Time: each person spends 1000 family rep when he steps inside the warp.
  • Garim Belt???
[quote]Need to Know:
Garim's Nest
How do I get started?[quote]

The seal that opens the warp gate to Garim’s Nest can only be opened by the family with the “Symbol of Garim”. You can purchase the recipe from the merchant next to the Anvil for Ring Destruction in City of Auch.

Symbol of Garim requires 1 Spino’s Skull, 50 Bone Stick, 50 Dragon Leather, 50 Dragon Horn and 100 Solvent to craft.

Vegas Javier, also well known as the Hill Giant summoning place for the faction quests, will be the new hotspot for many curious pioneering families.

Break the seal, and enter the lair of the evil

Be afraid, be very very afraid…

First Stop: The Doorkeeper

Yes, it’s the twin brother of King of Greed if you will. Defeat this monster to gain access to another warp gate that leads deeper into Garim’s Nest. 1000 Family Reputation is required to use the warp gate

Second Stop: The Halls Of Death

Teamwork comes as a crucial factor in this second area. With two hallways lined up with monsters and powerful fire turrets, this can be a challenge for even the strongest families. Assigning some families to destroy the turrets and some families to kill off the armies of monsters will prove to help smooth this rough journey. The hallways end with a mini boss of either a Pollux or Castor. Defeating them will open yet another warp gate to the next area.

Third Stop: The Doorkeeper (again)

Elminor hits hard I can tell you that. However, with a few good tanks and ranged dps, he shouldn’t pose much of a problem. Again, a warp gate brings you to the next area.

Fourth Stop: Defense of the Crystals

One crystal and many monsters. Your job is to defend the crystals from being destroyed by hordes of demons.

Final Stop: The Stone Dragon, Garim

If you have made it this far, congrats! You are now facing the master of this dark lair, Garim himself. He has 6 million health points and 61 AR/DR, so prepare for a long battle.

Garim has a few AoE (Area of Effect) spells that he uses quite frequently, the most noticeably would be the massive energy blast he shoots.
[/quote][/quote]--------Boss Raid "Uraeus"

[quote]Race: Armor: Element: Size:[/quote]
Attack Rating: 61
Defense Rating: 61
LVL: 118
Fire Resistance:
Ice Resistance:
Lighting Resistance:
Mental Resistance:

Location: Bahamas Underground Cave (Both CH1 and CH2)
  1. Range Characters prefered (musk/elem/wiz)
  2. Min. AR58 DR58
  3. Support Characters prefered (Romina/ETS/Scout/Rio)
  4. Best Lineups ~ 2 Musk + 1 ETS/Wiz (keep PF your musk when hitting Uraeus)
  5. Main Tankers (Musks with Outrage and WildBeast Stats Weapons) to avoid killing Worms and Eggs every round. This is to make sure the Poison Buffs that affect -AR -ATK is avoided when killing the worms.
Spawn Time: Spawn Time 24-37 hrs
  • ar 32 Recipes (rare)
  • Lv100 Weapons
  • LeNoir Armor Series
Uraeus ~ How to get there ?

As you can see from this zone map, there are 2 parts to this map, left part you enter from the Bahama Marshlands and the other from Bahama Swamp of Peril. In the maps of Bahama Marshlands and Bahama Swamp of Peril, there are many "circle of lights". Below is a pic of what a typical circle of light looks like.

By entering the circle of light, you will either warp to another circle of light on the same map or you will warp into the Underground Cave. So if you want to go to the Underground Cave, keep moving into the circle of light and you will get yourself in the Underground Cave eventually.

Once inside, look for KOG. Gather more families to kill KOG faster(it can be soloed though). KOG usually spawns at the following corrds, C5 and I8. Lure it to a place of low mob spawn, B6 and K7 are good spots to fight KOG. 1 thing to take note about KOG is that once it is left with around 30-40% HP, it will use a skill by the name of Protection which will increase it's defend and defend rating, a typical KOG with protection has 59 defend rating.

Upon the death of KOG, there will be a notice that the entrance to the Underground Cave level 2 has opened. If you killed the KOG from the Bahama Swamp of Peril side, the entrance to level 2 will open at the Bahama Marshlands side at the coords of D6. If you killed the KOG at the Bahama Marshlands side, the entrance to level 2 will open at the Bahama Swamp of Peril side at the coords of I7.

Stats Of Uraeus and Eggs

This boss will remain hidden in the water until you destroy all the Uraeus Egg. Upon the destruction of all its eggs, this boss will come out of the water and start fighting you. Once it is left with 10-20% HP, it will go back into the water to hide from you and you can't hit it anymore. All the Uraeus Eggs that you have previously destroyed will respawn and you have to destroy all of them again to make the Uraeus accessible again. This process will be continous till the 4th time Uraues comes out, at this point once we killed it, a family within our squad will enter a portal to collect the loots.

--------Boss Raid "Griffon"

[quote]Race: Armor: Element: Size:[/quote]Attack Rating: 62
Defense Rating: 62
LVL: 120
Fire Resistance:
Ice Resistance:
Lighting Resistance:
Mental Resistance:

Location: VEGAS JAVIER (Both CH1 and CH2)
  • Elite 92 weapons and above with Attack Up/Attack Speed/Wildbeasts/Attack Rating.
  • Tanks ( Expert Fighters with a recommended DR of 68 )
  • DPS ( Expert Musketeers and with decent stats in Pistol/Rifle stances )
  • LifeSavers ( Expert Scouts with a recommended DR of 65 )
Spawn Time: 24-48 hours (averagely 32hours) / Random spawn all over the maps
  • Diamond Coupon
  • Grand Level Valkyrie Crasher
  • Bellem Box
  • Random Ring
  • Random Unique Item
  • Random Level Item
  • Random Elite Item
  • Level 100 Enchantment Chip
  • Level 84 Elite Armor
  • Level 92 Elite Armor (Rare)
  • Elite Le Blanc (Rare)
  • Recipe - Enhanced Physical RES Necklace (Rare)
  • Recipe - Enhanced Shot RES Necklace (Rare)
  • Recipe - Enhanced Fire RES Necklace (Rare)
  • Recipe - Enhanced Ice RES Necklace (Rare)
  • Recipe - Enhanced Lightning RES Necklace (Rare)
  • Recipe - Enhanced Mental RES Necklace (Rare)
How to Summon Griffon?

Find the Griffon Egg which spawns between 24-48hours (averagely 32hours) on both CH1 & CH2 at VEGAS JAVIER. Spawn point of Eggs are random across the maps.

Once Egg is destroyed, Griffon will be summoned. Here are the stats:

--------Boss Raid "Queen-Eater"
--------Queen-Eater Legs

"Left" Queen Eater Legs
[quote]Race: Armor: Element: Size:[/quote]
Attack Rating: 54
Defense Rating: 54
LVL: 105

Hp: 2,000,9721
Attack: 139,014
Defense: 118
Fire Resistance: 40
Ice Resistance: 40
Lighting Resistance: 40
Mental Resistance: 40

"Middle" Queen Eater Torso

[quote]Race: Armor: Element: Size:[/quote]
Attack Rating: 57
Defense Rating: 57
LVL: 110

Hp: 1,292,245
Attack: 64,818
Defense: 123
Fire Resistance: 45
Ice Resistance: 45
Lighting Resistance: 45
Mental Resistance: 45

"Right" Queen Eater Egg

[quote]Race: Armor: Element: Size:[/quote]Attack Rating: 62
Defense Rating: 62
LVL: 120

Hp: 2,298,6126
Attack: 14221
Defense: 133
Fire Resistance: 60
Ice Resistance: 60
Lighting Resistance: 60
Mental Resistance: 60

Queen Eater
Location: Ustuir Zona Uno "Ch1 and Ch2 (Can be raided twice)"
Strategy: [quote]credit finalzanmato on sotwn forum for his guide[/quote]First off, what is Queen Widow?
  • Queen Widow is a higher level raid that clans can fight.
What level should we be before fighting Queen Widow?
  • lvl 100+
Where is Queen Widow?
  • Head to G6 at Zona Uno (either channel is fine) and you will find a weird plant that says, "Entrance of Rafflesia". Click on it and you be warped to another room.
  • Inside, you will find another Rafflesia plant called, "Rafflesia Gate". In order to enter the gate, you will the three leaves of Rafflesia; Green, Red and Yellow. These leaves can drop from the mobs in Zona Uno. Click on the gate while holding one of each in your inventory and a warp gate will open up. The gate will stay open for a few mins, so make sure your group is their before it closes.
Queen Widow is not up, how long does it take for it to respawn?
  • It takes around 36 hours(?) for it to respawn.
What toons should I bring?
  • As usual, ranged toons are needed to fight Queen Widow, but also remember to bring Elementalists, PF'ers, etc.
So how do I beat Queen Widow?
  • Unlike some of the earlier raid bosses, Queen Widow is technically a 3 part boss battle. It consists of the Widow Torso, Widow Legs, and Widow Egg. In order to really beat Widow, you need to kill off all three parts.
Queen Widow Torso:
  • This is one of the main reasons you must bring ranged toons, because like HellBreaker, Queen Widow Torso cannot be targeted by melee toons (unless you have anti air skills to spam). But unlike HB, Queen Widow regens huge amounts of hp. So you need to be fast in order to topple its regen.
Queen Widow Legs:
  • Compared to Queen Widow Torso, the Legs are so much easier to kill, since melee toons can also attack it. It's regen is also much slower than the Torso, but you still want to kill it fast anyways.
Queen Widow Egg:
  • Once both the Queen Torso and Legs are down, the Queen Widow Egg will be easily visible. The Widow Egg has much more AR/DR compared to the other two pieces, and it has regen just like the torso, so you need to have high AR and fast attack spd if you want to destroy it.
How does Queen Widow attack?
  • Queen Widow only has 3 attacks, each casted seperately by a different part.
  • The Torso casts Poison Fog, which pulls you under Queen Widow if you're caught in its AoE. If you have low Dr and no Rafflesia buff, this will usually OHKO you. Then again, i think the AoE will kill you, regardless of your DR.. I can't remember.
  • The Legs will cast the AoE Death Ground, in which it stomps its legs on the ground and knocks the players away from Queen Widow. Yet again, if you don't have the Rafflesia buff, you will probably get OHKO'ed.
  • The Egg casts Silence, which makes you unable to use skills and halts SP growth. This can be a problem if you depend of killing Queen by skill spamming rather than auto attacking more.
What does Queen Widow drop?
  • I've seen Widow drop 84 elites, lvl 92 elite armor recipes, lvl 100 armors and Grand Level Valk Crashers. Note, the Egg usually drops the loot, but the Torso can also drop some equips also. Not sure if the Legs can drop also.
What is this Raffleisa buff?
  • When you enter the Queen Widow chamber, their will also be other random mobs there. With the exception of maybe one or two mobs, the rest look like bigger and buffed up versions of mobs you've seen in the game. All of them have over 50+ AR/DR, so be careful if this is your first time. Every so ofter, after killing these mobs, they may drop a buff called "Rafflesia Petals". This is a 90 second buff that prevents the player(s) from being OHKO'ed by Poison Fog and Death Ground.
Anything else?
  • Spawns are infinite
  • You gain exp from the mobs
  • Most of the spawn can be attacked by melee toons, but only one cannot be hit by them.
  • Remember to pay attention to your petal buff, it lasts 90 seconds.
  • Queen Widow can be debuffed (especially mortal wound now).
  • Egg can be provoked lol
  • Queen Widow used to be called Rafflesia
  • Beware Poison Fog, if you die under Raff, it's really a pain in the ###### to get a rez sometimes.
  • Queen Widow is the only Insect type raid.
Spawn Time: 24 hours 30mins, +/- 30mins
  • 84 elites
  • lvl 92 elite armor recipes
  • lvl 100 armors
  • Grand Level Valk Crashers.
--------Uknown Boss

[quote]Race: Armor: Element: Size:[/quote]Attack Rating: 62
Defense Rating: 62
LVL: 120

Fire Resistance:
Ice Resistance:
Lighting Resistance:
Mental Resistance:


Spawn Time:

--------Chaos Skull

[quote]Race: Armor: Element: Size:[/quote]Attack Rating: 62
Defense Rating: 62
LVL: 120
Hp: 2,745,600
Attack: 5140
Defense: 210
Fire Resistance: 60
Ice Resistance: 60
Lighting Resistance: 60
Mental Resistance: 70

Fire Resistance:
Ice Resistance:
Lighting Resistance:
Mental Resistance:

Location:Secret Temple Dungeon
  1. Have a Full squad of PK capable members (this is true if you are expecting "bad company" inside).
  2. As for the raid itself, it would be good if you could get experts for the raid...or vets with minimum 58 AR/ 55 DR.
  3. Fast attackers would make short of Chaos Skull (*hint hint* Outrage Shot using musks with 17 below attack) Light/Medium Type weapons [Light=Daggers,Sabers,Javelins] // [Medium=Swords,Rapiers,Rifles and Pistols], would do wonders (especially if they have undead stat + attack up options on them)
  4. Buff Anti Magic Shield or Spiritual Shield (either of the two, not sure if Chaos Skull's Massive AOE is elemental or mental attack in nature, will try to confirm maybe this evening) to reduce his Mass AOE attack.
  5. Always keep one tough scout/ETS/Emilia Alive as you need to occasionally/constantly cast Recover for your party since Chaos Skull casts a Nasty Ice Type AOE that has the knack of freezing all your party over (frozen = can't pot = You Die )
Spawn Time: When St gate open
  • 1. Elite Level 84 Items (random, usually weapons)
  • 2. Elite Level 92 Armor Recipes (this one is quite rare)
  • 3. Level 92 Unique Armor (Bone Frame or Dragon Coat)
  • 4. Hero's Seal
  • 5. 4 Level 100 Chips
  • 6. Level 96 Fake Uniques (Pluto,Uranus,Neptune Bracelets, Dragon Slayer/Hunter Series , Golden Series Fake uniques) and Level 96 Skullic Bracelets
  • 7. Level 88 Stuff (Bracelets, Controllers , Hammers , Caliburns)
  • 8. Level 92 Armor
--------Uknown Boss

[quote]Race: Armor: Element: Size:[/quote]
Attack Rating: 68
Defense Rating: 64
LVL: 125

Fire Resistance:
Ice Resistance:
Lighting Resistance:
Mental Resistance:


Spawn Time:


[quote]Race: Armor: Element: Size:[/quote]Attack Rating: 64
Defense Rating: 64
LVL: 125

Hp: 20,047,500
Attack: 25,422
Defense: 217
Fire Resistance: 50
Ice Resistance: 50
Lighting Resistance: 50
Mental Resistance: 50

Location: Depth of the crater
Spawn Time:
Need To Know:


Within the depths of the crater, lies the Tombstone of Ferrucio.

A ruthless Lava Queen and her underlings reside in the crater which seems to be sealed by the Tombstone of Ferrucio’s mystical power. Those said to have seen them have never returned.

There is only one way to break the seal: Before even attempting to break the seal, you will need to collect four insignias - Fire, Ice, Lightning and Darkness, which is rumored to belong to the four Celberos on the Island of Fire. The Tombstone of Ferruccio will tell you that there is a secret number between 1 and random number, e.g. 3538. If the amount of vis you place upon his tombstone is the same amount as the secret number, you will be able to break the seal and unleash Sekhmet. Each time you make an attempt, the tombstone will inform you whether the number you have guessed is higher or lower than the secret answer. You will have a total number of 11 attempts to break the seal, after which you will need to wait a certain number of hours to try again.

Sekhmet is a Level 125 raid boss! Defeat him and one of the most legendary weapons in the world will belong to you!


[quote]Race: Armor: Element: Size:[/quote]Attack Rating: 65
Defense Rating: 65
LVL: 126

Fire Resistance:
Ice Resistance:
Lighting Resistance:
Mental Resistance:

Location: Corazon de Bahia
Spawn Time:
  • 2 x Elite 84 weapon/armor
  • 2 x L100 weapon/armor
  • 1 x Recipe - Elite L92 armor (Rare)
  • 1 x Le Noir (Rare)
  • 3 x L100 Enchantment Chip
--------Boss Raid "Novia of Gate of Ice"

[quote]Race: Armor: Element: Size:[/quote]Attack Rating: 65
Defense Rating: 65
LVL: 127
Fire Resistance:
Ice Resistance:
Lighting Resistance:
Mental Resistance:

Location: Ice tower
Strategy: Elementalists on lighning stance
Spawn Time: In order to enter the Ice Wizard’s Tower, you must complete all the quests in Katovic Snowfield. Talking to the frozen maiden statue after completing Katovic Snowfield quests will allow entry into the Ice Wizard’s Tower! Quest completion rewards one with a permanent* key! It is similar to Underground Relics, all players can enter within 10 minutes after the tower is opened!
Drops: Dont know yet
Status: unraidble at the moment T_T

Need to Know:
how to enter the the ice tower and meet with raid boss novia[quote]
Reaching the Summit of the World of Granado Espada - Ice Wizard's Tower

Author’s Note:
This article is for GM only. Normal players should not go; at least for 2-3 months, the Ice Wizard’s Tower is a forbidden place! This is because the attacks of the monsters within are no longer like those of normal monsters. Normal attacks are laced with mental type, directly bypass Defense Rating to deal damage.

TL: Uncertain about translation for 元素属性…

There is a mysterious tower at the end of the Snowfield of the Ice Wizard. Nobody knows when this tower was constructed, or who constructed it. Legend has it that it was constructed when Ferruccio’s exploration team was in Katovic Snowfield, but some find it dubious as the huge tower far exceeded the team’s manpower and resources to construct. Who can solve the mysteries of the Ice Wizard’s Tower? When people see this legend, there will be a rush for adventure! I am no different… My curiosity resolves a bold and firm decision – to explore the Ice Wizard’s Tower!

The Ice Wizard’s Tower lies at the end of the Snowfield of the Ice Wizard. Although it was not labeled on the map, its high and strange shape allows the tower to be spotted miles away. Driven by curiosity, I explored around and finally found the base of the Ice Wizard’s Tower at grid K5 on the map.

Caption: Frozen Plain (Lv 108 and above)

An ice statue of a woman can be found in front of the tower gate.

Caption: A warning to those humans who dare to oppose the great “Ice Queen”. A warning to those pioneers who trespass the Ice Wizard’s Tower. Continue forward, and this female warrior shall be your fate!

But this frozen maiden also tells us an important message: In order to enter the Ice Wizard’s Tower, you must complete all the quests in Katovic Snowfield. Talking to the frozen maiden statue after completing Katovic Snowfield quests will allow entry into the Ice Wizard’s Tower! Quest completion rewards one with a permanent* key! It is similar to Underground Relics, all players can enter within 10 minutes after the tower is opened!

The first zone is Ice Wizard’s Tower – 1F.

TL: 永久性进入钥匙… 永 = forever, 久 = long/duration, 性 = type, 进入 = entry, 钥匙 = key.

Ice Wizard’s Tower – 1F

The monsters here are nightmares, compared to monsters in other maps! Adventurers will not be able to easily come and go as they please anytime soon. Ice Wizard’s Tower – 1F seems to have only 2 types of monsters: the busty and sexy Glacial Valkyrie; and the fat, ugly Eldum. Note that while they are strong, they are vulnerable to lightning.

After killing these monsters, they commonly drop a type of stone called Black Magic Stone. It is frightening that once you pick up the stone, you will be affected by a Resonance status: Attack, attack speed, and movement speed reduce by 50%, maximum hit points also reduce by 30%

Caption: [Black Magic Stone] Attack, attack speed, and movement speed reduce by 50%. Max. HP reduce by 30%. Regeneration halted.

But you cannot just ignore the stones… Because, if you intend to go to Ice Wizard’s Tower – 2F, you must open the 4 Sealed Crystals in 1F map. The gate to 2F will appear only by opening the 4 Sealed Crystals to let them sound out. And the method to open the Sealed Crystals is: every 10 Wizard Soul Stones can open 1 Sealed Crystal.

Caption: Sounding of crystal require 10 Black Magic Stone.

Caption: Red dots = Sealed Crystals; red line = Portal to 2F

When the 4 Sealed Crystals are opened, the system will notify “Ice Wizard’s Tower – 1F portal is opened”, and the portal to 2F is now opened.

Ice Wizard’s Tower – 2F

Upon entering the portal, adventurers can come to the entry of Ice Wizard’s Tower - 2F.

Now, we have arrived at Ice Wizard’s Tower - 2F!

It is the same as 1F. To open the gate to 3F, the Sealed Crystals must be unsealed. Unlike 1F however, when all the Sealed Crystals are unsealed, adventurers also need to go to the “Ice Crystal Room” and seal the 4 “Snowfield Finisher” (?) to open the entrance to 3F.

Caption: After unsealing all the Sealed Crystals, you can enter the Crystal Room at the Crystal Entrance. Red dots = Sealed Crystals; middle red dot = Crystal Entrance; Right Map = Crystal Room.

After opening all the “Sealed Crystals”, you can enter the “Crystal Room” through the “Crystal Entrance” in the middle of the map. Adventurers will notice that the normally quiet cogwheels (?) suddenly spin noisily, causing the Crystal Room to rise up…

There is a monster within the Crystal Room called “Snowfield Finisher” (?). Adventurers must seal 4 “Snowfield Finisher” in order to access 3F entrance. How then do you seal “Snowfield Finisher”? Simply kill them.

Caption: Lv 118; Devil /Light Armor/Ice/Medium.
Left column: HP, Attack Rating, Attack, Defense Rating, Defense.
Right column: Fire RES, Ice RES, Lightning RES, Mental RES.

After killing them, they will become frozen. Strictly speaking not dead yet, they will recover after a while. Only by sealing 4 “Snowfield Finisher” at the same time can the entrance to 3F be opened.

Caption: The seal has yet to be broken.

After successfully sealing them, the system will notify “3F Entrance is open”. OK, the time is now, talk to the crystal in the middle of the Crystal Room to return to 2F corridor, and then find 3F entrance!

Ice Wizard’s Tower – 3F

OK, we have arrived at Ice Wizard’s Tower – 3F!

It is the same as the previous 2 levels, 3F also has a lot of Sealed Crystals. Unlike the previous levels, unsealing all the Sealed Crystals will spawn “Snowfield Zealot” (?) which has been sealed for a thousand years. To gain access to 4F, adventurers need to defeat “Snowfield Zealot”, who is the guardian of the entrance to 4F.

Caption: Red dot in the middle = “Snowfield Zealot”; other red dots = Sealed Crystals

After unsealing all the Sealed Crystals and after the system notify “In the main hall of 3F, ‘Snowfield Zealot’ has appeared”, go to the area in the screenshot below to defeat “Snowfield Zealot”.

Caption: Lv 121; Devil (Daemon?)/Light Armor/Ice/Medium.
Left column: HP, Attack Rating, Attack, Defense Rating, Defense.
Right column: Fire RES, Ice RES, Lightning RES, Mental RES.

Other monsters encountered along the way…

Caption: Lv 121; Devil (Daemon?)/Heavy Armor/Ice/Medium.
Left column: HP, Attack Rating, Attack, Defense Rating, Defense.
Right column: Fire RES, Ice RES, Lightning RES, Mental RES.

After defeating it, you can search for the entrance to 4F in the corridor!

Ice Wizard’s Tower – 4F

Now, we have arrived at Ice Wizard’s Tower – 4F!

In the zone map, adventurers will find that 4F map is the same as 2F map. It also has a “Crystal Room”. Correct, the method to clear 4F is the same as 2F. First unseal all the “Sealed Crystals”, then enter the “Crystal Room” to seal “Snowfield Decomposer” (?). Finally, return to the main hall’s corridor to search for entrance to 5F.

Caption: After unsealing all the Sealed Crystals, you can enter the Crystal Room at the Crystal Entrance. Side red dots = Sealed Crystals; middle red dot = Crystal Entrance; Right Map = Crystal Room.

You must seal at least 4 of the powerful “Snowfield Decomposer” (?) to open the entrance to 5F.

Caption: Lv 124; Devil (Daemon?)/Light Armor/Ice/Medium.
Left column: HP, Attack Rating, Attack, Defense Rating, Defense.
Right column: Fire RES, Ice RES, Lightning RES, Mental RES.

After sealing 4 of them, the entrance to 5F will be opened in 4F corridor!

Ice Wizard’s Tower – 5F

Now, we have arrived at Ice Wizard’s Tower – 5F! Pass through another portal will reach the lair of the legendary Ice Queen!

Ice Wizard’s Tower 5F is different from 4F. There is no Sealed Crystal. Instead, there is a huge portal in the middle of the map! But it is blocked by huge ice boulders.

You can see the portal, but can’t get through. What to do now? This level does not have the Sealed Crystals of the previous levels to open the portal. After half a day of searching, we suddenly discovered that every small room has only one Medium size boss. Its huge amount of HP can easily differentiate it from the other mobs.

Caption: “Snowfield Bat” (?); Lv124; Devil/Light Armor/Ice/Medium
Left column: HP, Attack Rating, Attack, Defense Rating, Defense.
Right column: Fire RES, Ice RES, Lightning RES, Mental RES.

Caption: “Snowfield Decomposer” (?); Lv124; Devil/Light Armor/Ice/Medium
Left column: HP, Attack Rating, Attack, Defense Rating, Defense.
Right column: Fire RES, Ice RES, Lightning RES, Mental RES.

After defeating all Medium bosses in every small room, the portal will appear before you…

Caption: The portal to the central hall is opened.

After entering the portal, we arrived at the huge portal mentioned earlier…

Once here, what do we do? Kill another portal guardian Medium boss “Snowfield Decomposer” (?)…

Caption: “Snowfield Decomposer” (?); Lv126; Devil/Light Armor/Ice/Medium
Left column: HP, Attack Rating, Attack, Defense Rating, Defense.
Right column: Fire RES, Ice RES, Lightning RES, Mental RES.

After killing it, the final portal is opened! “The way to the Ice Queen’s Room is opened”…

Ice Wizard’s Tower – Ice Queen's Chamber

Finally, we arrived at the pinnacle of Granado Espada, the highest level of Ice Wizard’s Tower – “Ice Queen’s Chamber”! She is the legendary “Ice Queen” (Novia)!

Caption: Novia (“Ice Queen”); Lv127; Human/Light Armor/Ice/Medium
Left column: HP, Attack Rating, Attack, Defense Rating, Defense.
Right column: Fire RES, Ice RES, Lightning RES, Mental RES.

Just imagine what drops you can get by challenging such a boss. Leave the details to the first batch of brave warriors to find out![/quote]--------Uknown Boss

[quote]Race: Armor: Element: Size:[/quote]
Attack Rating: 66
Defense Rating: 66
LVL: 128

Fire Resistance:
Ice Resistance:
Lighting Resistance:
Mental Resistance:

Spawn Time:

--------Gate Keeper

[quote]Race: Armor: Element: Size:[/quote]
Attack Rating: 66
Defense Rating: 66
LVL: 128
Hp: 11,327,040
Attack: 16,729
Defense: 259
Fire Resistance: 50
Ice Resistance: 50
Lighting Resistance:50
Mental Resistance: 50

Location: Bahamas Grotto
Strategy: Dedicate people to tank, inject debuffs, buff the debuffers, PFers, ressers, DPSers.
Spawn Time: after the Maintenance
Need to Know:
to open a warp point on Chaos Requiem

-------- Raid Boss "Brain of Argus"

[quote]Race: Armor: Element: Size:[/quote]
Attack Rating: 67

Defense Rating: 67
LVL: 130
Fire Resistance:
Ice Resistance:
Lighting Resistance:
Mental Resistance:

Location: Cabeza De Bahia
Spawn Time: Spawn Time 24-37 hrs
  • 3 x Elite L84 weapon/armor
  • 2 x L100 weapon/armor
  • 3 x Recipe - Elite L92 armor (Rare)
  • 1 x Recipe - AR 32 Weapons (Rare)
  • 1 x Le Noir (Rare)
  • 1 x Elite Le Blanc (Rare)
  • 5 x L100 Enchantment Chip
  • Recipe - The Will of Argus (Rare)
  • Recipe - The Hope of Argus (Rare)
Status: unraidble at the moment T_T

4. Credit for this Guide goes out to:
  • Peacesprite for Raid boss and map boss stats with pics..
  • valinorian for proof-reading and contributing information and her guide
  • Arconis Blood Countess for her guide gate of hell and lots of hell in making this guide
  • Defenderz faction members and Legends Faction Members for boss raid info and other ^^V
  • the readers who've contributed tips
  • Mujitsu for her additional screenshots
  • Palukz™ for his additional screenshot and resizing the image
  • SQTeam for her boss raid info
  • Glacie for additional info
  • Jazlin for additional info
  • Starstorm for soul mohtein info and Golden Bat info
  • full credits on Playge Wiki on the bosses
  • full credit on ge hanbiton for boss pic ^^V
  • Rothschild for correcting wrong typos T_T and full credit for chaos skullic info ^^V
  • Rosengarde of sotwn forum for her info
  • Mordial for helping me ^^
  • for von Utteresk for the dekaravia drop
  • tymanem for his guide [Guide] Mega big drop list of doom
  • Sfaith for Dekaravia spawn
  • full credits on sword of the new world wiki ^^V
  • Desmond for helping alot in this guide
  • full Credit on finalzanmato of sotwn forum for his guide about queen eater
  • Credit on guide for corridor of assize by Wave
  • credit on xei on helping me take a screenshot
  • Credit on Valkrin abour her guide on guide to katovic snowfiled quest
  • Credits on Sakazaki and IX for there screenshot bosses
  • Looney for a clear screenshot of the goldenbat
  • twincam for ss of key of assize bosses
  • Levan for his guide prepatory guide on bahama
  • smhoo for ss of gulfaxi ^^V